Chapter Nine and a Half: The Human Victoria and The Birthday Ball So Long Ago

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(AN: Just in case anyone has forgotten and gets confused, Victoria is human and it's before she got married so her last name isn't Salvaterra, it's her maiden name Morani. Also some stuff will be in Italian because I said so.)

"And although I was burning, you're the only light."

Chapter Nine and a Half: The Human Victoria and the Birthday Ball So Long Ago

-January 11th 1847-

My eyes fluttered open and a sleepy smile made its way onto my face as I stretched my arms above my head. I was woken up by the sound of chatter and movement outside of my bedroom door and knowing what day it was made me excited. It was the day of my eighteenth birthday and my birthday was always called for an extravagant event. Since I was my parent's only child and we were one of the wealthiest families in Italy, they spoiled me to no end. They threw a ball every year to celebrate my birthday and I always loved dressing up.

The door slowly opened and my personal maid and best friend, Concetta, walked in. Concetta was an orphan when she was brought to the Morani castle. My parents thought a girl my own age around the castle would be best for me so they took in Concetta when we were both five and we've been practically attached by the hip ever since.

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Signorina Morani, you are awake."

I chuckled at my friend and sat up. "How could I not be? You know what today is."

She chuckled back. "Everyone knows what today is."

"Was there anything you needed Concetta?" I asked her.

She nodded her head. "Yes, Signora Morani sent me to start getting you ready for the ball."

"Well then." I hopped out of bed excitedly with a grin plastered on my face. "Let's get started."

For the next couple of hours I was getting prepped and proper for tonight. Concetta helped me bathe, even though I protested. She is my best friend, I know she's a maid but I can at least clean myself by myself, I'm not inept. She brushed my hair and put it in this intricate hairstyle. She helped me get into my dress which consisted of a corset, which I hate. I hope one day women do not have to wear these things, I swear they were made by Satan himself. I sprayed myself with my favorite perfume, placed my family's antique circlet on and turned to Concetta.

She was grinning at me, clearly proud of her work. "You look so beautiful Victoria."

I smiled back at her. "I could not have looked this way without you. You are my dearest friend."

The door swung open and my mother walked in.

Giovanna Morani was as fierce as woman come. Her glare could make a grown man cry. She was feisty but she had a loving heart for her family, and only her family. She shared my long thick brown locks of hair and tan Italian skin. She has plump lips that were usually in a frown and a slim body which my father adored.

"Victoria, you look fantastic. Grazie Concetta." Giovanna beamed.

"Thank you Signora." Concetta curtsied and left the room.

"Come, your father and the guests are waiting." My mother said as she grabbed my hand.

We walked out of my bedroom and toward the long descending staircase which was in our castle. I feel as if it was put there just for the Morani women to make an entrance because that is how we entered any occasion, in style. As we stood at the top of the staircase I heard music and tons of chatter from below, most likely from all the guests that are here. A horn blew and the chatter died down.

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