Chapter 2

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Layni's P.O.V.
(10 minutes later)
Chloe looked at me and at my Pj's "No." She said I chuckled " okay,I'll go change." I said holding my hands up in defense. She smiled and shook her head. I finally picked out what I wanted to wear (picture above) I walked out of my room and Chloe looked up from her phone and smiled " what?" I asked. "Nothing you just look good."I could tell she was hiding something from me."Chloe? What are you hiding from me?" I asked. She jumped up from the chair and waved me over. We walked by the front door she grabbed the keys and we left.
Chloe was silent the whole way there. "Okay,let's go." We walked inside and went to the elevator. "Witch floor?" I asked. She held up a 3 and I pushed it. The elevator got to the third floor and Chloe jumped out, she turned to me I smiled and did what she did, she chuckled and put her arm around my shoulder. We got to his room, room 323. Instead of knocking she just walked in, "Chloe!" I whisperer yelled. She turned on her heel to look at me " what?" She asked raising an eyebrow. " you can't just barge in like that." She laughed "uhh yeah I can, he's my boyfriend." She grabbed my arm and pulled me in."Dean!!" She yelled. "In the kitchen!" He yelled back. She smiled. If I'm being honest with myself I wish I had something like them, it's just after my last relationship I-
I snapped out of my thoughts when Chloe snapped in front of my face "hello? Earth to Layni." She said. I looked at her as smiled "are you okay?" She asked with a concerned face " yeah just, um lost in thought." "Okay,come on." She pulled my arm into the kitchen, instead of seeing Dean and Chloe I saw Dean Chloe and someone else. "Chloe?" I whispered to her. "Surprise!" She whispered back. She ran over to Dean and hugged him from behind his back. I'm am going to kill her.

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