Chapter 3

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Layni's P.O.V.
I glared at Chloe and she smiled. " Roman this is Layni." She said pointing at me I smiled shyly "hi." I said quitely "what up?" Roman said. I looked at Chloe and Dean they were whispering to each other Chloe looked at me and winked "Chloe, can I talk to you in the other room?" I asked. "Sure." She said. She walked over to me and I grabbed her arm and dragged her in the living room, "explain." I said pointing to the kitchen she smiled "surprise!" She said swinging her arms around I glared at her "just get to know him he's a good guy,please." She asked with a pouty face and puppy dog eyes " ugh, fine." She smiled "yay!!" "Food!" We heard Dean yell
We were eating and I haven't said a word, Chloe kicked me from under the table I shot my head up at her she motion over to Roman. I shook my head no and she kick me harder "fine" I mouthed, "so,uh" I said trying to think of what I was going to say Chloe face palmed, "uh Dean it's supposed to rain, and hail come with me to move my car." She winked at me and walked out. Shit I thought " so Layni? When did you and Chloe come to WWE?" I stopped eating and looked at him "umm,2013 in April." I smiled "cool." I smiled and he smiled back ad I swear my organs explode. " did you go to NXT?"  " my ring name was uh Raven."  " why raven?" I shrugged and he chuckled.
We talked for a little before Dean and Chloe walked In Covered in water "gosh what happened?" I asked "its raining hard, we have to stay here." I shook my head " but-  "I have clothes you can wear" Chloe cut me off. "Okay" "you can sleep in my room" roman said "no I'll just sleep not the couch"  he shook his head no "come on" he waved me over to his room.
I was laying on Romans bed and he was on the couch I felt bad and I got a text from Paige. P- what's up? L-nothing just laying in Roman Reigns bed P-what! Did you to hook up? L- no it started raining and me and Chloe stayed and he offered his room. P-kk goodnight 😘 L-night😊

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