Chapter 16

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Chloe's P.O.V.

(At the store)

"Okay Lay go with Dean and I'll go with my boy because i haven't been able to hang out with him for a while." She smiled and shook her head, me and Roman went for the stuff that we need "Chloe?" I heard a familiar voice that I did not want to hear "Bryan." I said crossing my arms and facing him "It's been a while." I rolled my eyes "Do you remember what I said to you?" "I'll pay?" He asked "yes." I said growling "Chloe I know you hate me but I'm sorry I really am." I shook my head "I don't care, you hurt Layni, with that girl, where is the slut anyways?" "She broke up with me." "Good she probably found out your true colors." I said glaring at him "Wait." Roman said "Is this Bryan the Bryan that hurt Layni?" He asked I shook my head "Why, Just why would you hurt someone as kind and beautiful as her?" Roman asked getting close to Bryan "I messed up." He said looking down at his feet "Hey Chloe control you're-" Layni stopped when she notice Bryan "Bryan?" She asked handing Dean the stuff they got "Layni oh my gosh i'm sorry." Bryan said walking over to her, she backed away "No, don't come near me." She said "Baby please." Roman walked in front of Layni "Who are you calling baby?" "Um Layni" Bryan said pointing behind Roman "No she's my girlfriend the only person that is calling her baby is me." Roman said I smiled, Bryan swung his fist at Roman and hit him in the mouth I ran over to him and pushed him on the ground "Do not hit my friends." I starting going sikeo on him "Chloe!" Layni yelled pulling me off of him "we are going to get kicked out if you don't stop" She whisper to me "Okay okay sorry I warned him though." "I know we have to go tho." "Alright lets go."

(At the hotel)

"Dang Chloe you are crazy!" Dean said putting his arm around my shoulder "I'm sorry I told you that no one messes with my friends or family" Roman smiled "thanks by the way" "Anytime" I said fist bumping him.

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