Chapter 5

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Layni's P.O.V.

"Layni Roman is no Bryan" I sighed "I-I just don't know " "Its okay just take you're time" she smiled her smile and walked  out leaving me to my thoughts I don't know maybe...yeah I'll try i haven't dated since Bryan but I'll try. I walked back into the kitchen and Dean was giving Chloe 10 dollars. he looked at me and smirked I glared at him he went back to Chloe who was counting her money "okay, i'm going to the gym, anyone want to come?" "uh yeah, i will" he smiled "alright not in that he said pointing to the Pj's. "what do you people have against my Pj's!?" they all laughed "okay I'll change." i looked at Chloe and she smiled "yeah i got some gym clothes you can wear." she got up and walked into Dean's room and came back with them and threw them at me "these are mine" "i know i borrowed em"  I rolled my eyes and went to change. "lets go."  he flashed a smile "lets." we walked down to the gym in the hotel and worked out "okay" i said panting and sweating "no more" Roman laughed. This guy came up to me "daummm you got a nice ass" "um" I looked at Roman who looked pissed. "i'm Ben by the way" he said winking " uh look i'm not interested" i said he glared at me " why?" "PISS OF!" Roman yelled me and Ben shot our heads over to him "and who are you?" " i'm Roman,her boyfriend and if you don't leave right now I'll punch you so hard in the mouth you wished you weren't born" Ben gulped and ran off. "so? boyfriend" he blushed "I-I was just helping you" he said "you stuttered" "lets just go back to the room"

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