Chapter 13

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Roman's P.O.V.
(At His and Dean's hotel)
"Chloe got no chill." I said she chuckled and shook her head "well one thing you should know, don't mess with my family and friends, or I'll kill you." "Gosh Clo." Layni said shaking her head, I kissed her "ew get a room." Chloe pretend to puke " now you know how we feel." She smiled and left the room. "So, what time are we leaving for the next town?" Layni asked putting her head on my shoulder "6:00 in the morning." "Ugh, Chloe!" "What?" Chloe asked sliding from the corner " we need to pack were leaving early tomorrow" "I already did, you can go and Roman can help." She smiled and looked at me "okay, I'll go with you." "Alright Clo you staying here?"  "Duh" Chloe said walking back to Dean's room, Layni shook her head " let's go" "okay"
We got done packing her stuff and I was tired " you can stay here." Layni said "okay, where" " in my bed with me unless you don't want to then that's okay" " no it is" I smiled and she smiled back. "Good night Rom" "night sweet tart" she giggled and I kissed her nose.

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