Chapter 7

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Layni's P.O.V.

( After Match)

I panted and took a drink of water, Chloe was pacing around the room "Chloe,calm down." "I can't those stupid Bella Twins always cheating, but this time i'm going to do something." 'babe just calm down." Dean said trying to calm Chloe down, they went out of the room to calm her. "Hey, you sure you're okay?" "yeah i'm fine" "after this do you want to get food, just you and me?" "like a date?" "Y-Yeah ,like a date." I smiled "yeah sure,why not." He smiled "cool, I'll see you then." When he walked out I jumped in the air  "YES!" "wow,what are you so..jumpy about?" I turned to Paige, i ran to her "Roman asked me out on a date." she chuckled and shook her head "That exciting?" "Well yeah, I haven't had a boyfriend since Bryan, you heard about that,I'm just trying." she smiled "well, good." "You okay?" "Um, i'm just upset." "Why what happen?" "I need a title shot,but when I asked Steph said No, I need this title shot." "Ill help." "how?" you'll see." I smiled and walked away "Thank you!" She yelled "you're welcome!" I yelled back.

(before date)

" Oh. My.Gosh, Layni! why didn't you tell me earlier." I told her about my date with Roman she's flipping out. "Chloe, what do I wear?" "I don't know? You're the girly one, you should know what wear." "just help me" "alright."

I picked out regular skinny jeans and a plain black crop top "you look good" "thanks Chloe" I smiled "come here tho." I walked over and she did my hair, after she was done she smiled. "What?" I asked she shook her head " nothing, I'm just happy for you." I smiled and we hugged. their was a knock on the door " It's open!" Chloe yelled Roman and Dean walked in, Dean of course ran over to Chloe and hugged her. I looked over to Roman, his hair was up in a hair tie, he was wearing  regular clothes. "Hey Layni stop starring and go." Chloe kicked me. "okay, bye Clo, bye Dean" "bye." "see ya."

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