Untitled Part 18

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Layni's P.O.V.

"You okay Babe?" Roman asked as we stood by the front door of his parents house "yeah i'm just nervous" "it's okay they'll love you." He knocked on the door and it opened "Son!" Sika said "hey dad" they hugged then he looked at me "this is your girlfriend? She's gorgeous, hi i'm Sika, Joe's father." 'I knew that Roman's real name is Joe and Dean's real name is Johnathan' I smiled "i'm Layni." I put out my hand for him to shake but instead he hugged me "dad don't kill the poor girl." I heard someone behind him say "hello,i'm Rosey i'm Joe's brother." I smiled "i'm Layni." He shook my hand and I meat the rest of them.

(After dinner)

"Thanks dad but we should really get going." All the little kids were upset that we were leaving they kept asking questions it was adorable "well bye everyone." Roman yelled "bye!" they all yelled back, we walked back int the car and I let out a sigh " i'm sorry they are crazy." I chuckled "they're lovely" I said he smiled and we left.

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