Untitled Part 19

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Layni's P.O.V.

it was time for Roman Dean Chloe and me to see my mom and brother Chloe's parents couldn't make it but she is still related to my mom and brother so yeah.

(At the restaurant)

"Layni, Chloe, hi!" my mom yelled "Mom hey"" whats up gurl." Chloe said hugging her. "Mom this is Roman or Joe he's my boyfriend." she smiled "Hello Joe." she said shaking his hand "wheres Buba?" I asked "at the table." she said pointing to the table we are sitting at "okay lets go." we walked to the table and my brother met Roman "Hi i'm Sean." Sean said shaking Romans hand.

(After dinner)

"Okay mom time for us to-" "Wait." Roman said I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Layni I know we haven't been dating long but I love you so much, will you marry me?" He asked I covered my mouth and cried tears of joy of course "Yes yes of course!" I hugged him and looked at Chloe and Dean they were smiling so big.

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