Chapter 15

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Layni's P.O.V.

( Next Day)

I woke up the next day next to Roman, I smiled and realized that i'm dating the greatest guy that I could I have a bad ass cousin  and she has a really good boyfriend that watches over her I hope I never see Bryan again (Foreshadowing)  I got up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast, Chloe came out of her room "Hey beautiful." She joked, I rolled my eyes "right back at you." I said she chuckled "so what are we making?" "eggs and bacon" "okay ill help" she turned up music and danced around while helping me cook. Dean walked out he looked grumpy Chloe smiled and ran over to him "Morning sleeping beauty" she said kissing him "what are you to lovely ladies doing this morning?" Dean asked "making breakfast witch is ready so Dean can you go get Roman?" "yeah sure" he got up and went in mine and Roman's room. I made everyone a plate of eggs and bacon, Roman and Dean walked out "he grumpy"  Dean whispered "Dean shut up no i'm not." We all laughed and everyone grabbed a plate, "dang Layni and Chloe this is the best bacon ever !" Roman said licking his lips "thanks." Chloe said smiling and shoving  some more bacon into her mouth. 

After food Chloe turned on some music "Dean come here." She said putting her hand out he took it and they starting dancing like they are in some Disney movie it was funny and adorable, "oh my gosh it's Cinderella and her prince!" I said clapping "ma lady." Roman said bowing I smiled and took his hands. Now were all here dancing and switching partners like me and Roman too me and Dean or Chloe and Dean too Roman and Chloe it was fun. We finished dancing and laughed our asses off "That was fun." Chloe said "yeah it was." I said highfiveing her.         

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