Chapter 6

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Layni's P.O.V.

( in the ring)

My ring music hit and I walked into the ring then Nikki's music hit.

I went for the pin but i felt a sharp pain on my back the the bell rand "and you're winner for DQ Layni" I layed on the mat still being hit many many times. where the hell is- on cue Chloe's music hit i looked up she had Dean and Roman with her the ran to the ring and Chloe went for Bri and Nikki ran " and Chloe beating the hell out of Bri!"JBL said "ah!" Jerry yelled "hey,you okay?" Roman asked helping me up "yeah, but I think Chloe i going to kill Bri I said holding my side "Chloe calm down" Dean said trying to get Chloe off. She looked insane "oh my gosh! Chloe is just as crazy as Dean" Micheal Cole said I smiled Chloe ran over to me asking if im okay "i'm fine,but are you?" she chuckled "I thank just over protective"

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