Are we on time?

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Y/N pov
I ran downstairs when Hoodie told me the news.. "So Liu migh be behind this!" I say as I slide down the banister "Yeah, I should have killed him while I had the chance!"Jeff growls. I look at the computer.. "I know the place... Before I became apart of this family I knew Chica... She didn't go to my school but I'd see her around... Her and I love horror and scary things so one night we planned to go to that Asylum for a little scare... Chicas Grandma worked there and brought Chica there abit.. I know the layout of it.. We have to sneak in..Or else we can't find her... It has high level security.. so we have to be careful.." I say and look at everyone... "God I hope she's ok.."I think

Chicas pov
"S-Someone save me..."I mumble.. A needle was pushed inside my skin and I jerked away but the fluid was let inside me... I knew what this was.. I screamed in pain..This basically happend to me every day,.. I tried to push him away but he hit me,. "W-Why me?" I ask "Because you are important to my brother...." He says "Who the f*ck are you!?!?" I yell "Im Liu...." My eyes open wide Jeff's brother... my vision goes blank...

Back at the mansion..
I run upstairs and take a glance at Chicas room... I have so many questions.. why didnt she tell me her real name? I push my room open and grab my W/O/C And run out the door.. "Were coming Chica.."I say as I slide down the banister...
Slender groups some people together te group is Jeff, Clocky,Jane,Ej, toby, masky hoodie and I... Sure it's stacked but we want Chica back...
We run to the asylum and I put
My hand on the door knob and ask my self one more question "What do I expect,...."

Turn that frown upside down Hoodie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now