His beloved puppet...

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Y/N pov
I opened the door and snuck in... The others followed... I snuck into a room and noticed a file on the desk... I opend it and it had 2 people's pictures and bios on it... wait that's me.... and there's Chica.... I looks at them curiously.. "Wow We sure have changed... Im more pale.. Ive lost some colour and I guess I've lost some weight... I didn't realize these changes...That's strange..." I flip through some other pictures... I notice a figure behind the trees.. This figure has long Black hair... A red dress.. I can't see her eyes.. I slip the files into my bag that I had brought along I case I need something like Medicine. I continue until I hear someone cough.. I turn around and It's Masky.. "What?" I whisper,Masky hands me some tapes, 8 to be exact.. I read the labels "Ivy's experiments" I nod at Masky in thanks.. I open a Door and see that it was stairs... I cautiously sneak down the stairs.. The only thing That radiates light is a small Dim Light on the wall that flickers every 2 seconds or so... I reach to the wall and flip on a switch... Soon enough the room was fully lit.. I gasped at the room... Blood was everywhere, I finally noticed the foul stench of blood.. A pool of blood lay on the floor, I could tell that it was recently spilled from a body... A sound brought me back to reality, the sound of Chains moving across the floor, followed by a low growling, that of which would come from a wild animal.. I walked toward the sound "I-Ivy?" I call out... I flip on another light.. I stare in shock.. Ivy's once brown hair turned Midnight Black... Her once peach skin now Pale as snow.. And her eyes... Pure red... She looked like she hasn't eaten in weeks... Blood stained her body.. Now I know who's blood was on the floor.. A note was on the table "She waited for you all, You all left her to die... Now she has forgotten about you all... She has become my puppet..."

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