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Ok so here's my edit,It's me after I become a CP (I have 2 long cut scars starting at the top of me eyebrows and ending at my lower cheeks,I have toxic green eyes and black wings) Sally,Jane,Clockwork (She used to be Nina the killer but I edited it so its clockwork!) and Alice!Yes she's in this!Shes Alice from Alice madness return!
Lets start!
Masky's pov
I was walking with hoodie to the dinning room to eat breakfast.I pushed open the doors and took a seat by '___' , Shes very shy like hoodie but I can tell she's opening up to us,She talks alot more now.Hoodie seems to have taken a liking to her.....I started eating the pancakes and everyone started coming in and in the end Chica wasn't there so I started to wonder where she was .she opened the door that lead to the kitchen "Sorry if you didn't get enough Pancakes I just finished making more and I made some waffles too!"She said holding a big platter full of pancakes and waffles,How can she carry all of that? Was the only thing going through my head at that moment.
Chicas pov
I finished putting everything away and grabbed my platter that had around 111 things on it and I pushed open the door "Sorry if you didn't get enough pancakes I just finished making more and I made some waffles too!"I said happily and walking to the table and putting my platter on the table "Thanks Chica,Toby just finished eating ALL of the Pancakes you previously made!"BEN said angrily "CHICA I LOVE YOU!!!!"Toby yelled and jump hugged me "Calm down I can easily make more!"I said prying Toby's hands of my waist and picked him up and placed him down in his seat."HAhaha Toby just loves Pancakes and Waffles!Hahahaha!"LJ said "Huh so that's why he jumped hugged me!That explains everything!"I said chuckling and sitting down between Jeff and BEN.I grabbed some blueberries and other berries and put some on my pancakes and started eating them and I just realized how good they were!Now I know why All 811 pancakes were gone!Slenderman stood up "Breakfast is over,We will be training today!"He said and we swarmed out of the kitchen and followed Slender to the back 'Yard' and we all went outside."As we know Chica and '___' are only humans but I want to see how they fight so they too will be joining us in training and some of the others will be coming back soon."Slender announced "Ok so today it will be first Toby-BEN EJ-Jeff Chica-'___' BEN-Jeff Chica-EJ EJ-'___' Jeff-Chica ok then we will see what comes after that."Slender said and I just nodded So I have to fight '___' ,Jeff and EJ.....Thanks god I don't have I fight TobyMr.I.Feel.No.Pain "You may start practising some tactics before your fight,Dismissed"He said and I walked away and saw the only bladded weapons left were 2Daggers/Knives and 1 Chainsaw so I chose the 2Daggers because the Chainsaw could turn out to not work.
I walked over to the dummies and started stabbing it in vulnerable places that could affect anyone even if they felt no pain and I think around a hour passed and Slender walked to the centre of us "Ok I have observed all of your fighting styles now can we please have Toby and BEN come up to fight."Slender said and BEN stood up and walked to Slender,Toby following him "Ok the rules are 1 No killing each other 2You may knock the person out and the finale rule is Make sure you don't hurt the humans as much cause they don't heal as fast as us (its a new rule)."Slender said and with that BEN and Toby faced each other and the fight began. Toby Ran at BEN and swung his hatchet at him and BEN dodged him but still got cut slightly at the ankle,Ben took out 2 small hidden daggers in his long sleeves and Toby didnt notice and BEN ran at Toby and Stabbed his neck but not where Toby would die,Toby turned around and hit BENs arm with his hatchet and BENs arm started bleeding and BEN took out a sword and cut Toby's leg and they started cutting each other and running around,Now they were both covered with cuts and bruises and Toby just noticed that when BEN had stabbed his neck the dagger BEN used was dipped in poison that knocks you out in around 30 minutes and Toby's movements were slowing down and Toby charged at BEN and hit his head with the blunt part of the hatchet and they both fell,BEN got knocked out and Toby got poisoned "Chica,EJ take them to the infirmary."He said we just nodded and I picked up Toby and followed EJ who was carrying BEN.We walked down a hallway and stopped at a silver door in the basement and EJ opened the door.I walked in and placed Toby on the bed "How are you able to Cary Toby?BENs lighter than Toby and even I struggle carrying BEN,what are you?"EJ asks "Hmm I'm only human...."I said and we walked back to the yard "Ok Chica,EJ the will get started now,Ej and Jeff you may now fight."Slender says.I walk over to '____' and see she has a mallet in her hand (A mallet is basically a hammer without the sharp part) "Im sorry that I have to fight you but it'll be fun!"I said smiling and ignoring the current fight "Y-yeah!"She said smiling "I won't hold back!"She said "Neither will I!"I Said.We talked for awhile until the fight ended EJ knocked out "Ok now Chica and '____' will fight!"Slender said a hint of excitement in his voice and I walked over to where the fights were being held place and the stench of blood filled my nose,But it smelled good "Lets do this!"I said before Slender nodded and started the fight '___' swung in for the first attack but I dogged it successfully without getting hit and I cut her arm and landed on the ground and stared at her,She gasped in Suprise and ran at me again and I step jumped to the side and she missed me and I cut her leg and she swung around and hit my shoulder and I heard a crack.I let out a cry of pain and charged towards her and stabbed her where she would be knocked out but she doged it and hit my arm and I jumped back and she still got a small hit.I stumbled back and waited for her to run at me.She ran at me and I jumped behind her and stabbed the place where she would get knocked out and she fell.I heard claps from behind me and I turned around and saw the others clapping and I just smiled and picked '___' with my good arm and stumbled every now and then trying to get to the infirmary and I walked down the hall ad got to the infirmary and placed '___' on a bed and sat down. I heard some movement from behind me and I turned around and saw BEN and EJ getting up,Completely healed "What happend to her?"BEN asks "Ummm....."I start "Wait did your fight already happen?"BEN said disapointed "Yeah....Thats what happend to her."I said "She also used a mallet to shatter some of my bone....."I added and EJ rushed over to me and took a look at my arm (I'm in a black tanktop) he grabbed a portable X-ray thing and they Gasped at what was happening "Whats wrong?"I ask "Your....Bones are moving back into place!!"BEN yells 'What?,?!"I say and start moving my arm and it moves perfectly "I-I'm all better...."I said and I get up and all 3 of us start walking back to the yard "Slender we need to talk."Ej announced "Ok.... and BEN you and Jeff will fight now."He said before walking off to talk to EJ. BEN got up "Does anyone have a video of CHICAS Fight?"BEN asks and LJ hands over a video and BEN watches before His fight "So are you still able to fight Jeff?"LJ asks and I just stay silent remembering about my arm "Chica what's wrong?"Lj asks "Its just that....My Shatterd arm bone heals in a matter of seconds....."I said and I heard gasps "A Humans takes Atleast 2 weeks to heal!!!"Lj said "Y-your no human!"Masky said "I guess not.....'I said "Ok Elf lets fight!"Jeff said and BEN turned around with a scowl on his face "IM NOT A ELF!"He yelled and charged at Jeff and they started fighting.I went down to the stream by th house and sat down. I remembered my little sister Cady and tears started to flow down my face,My parents beat her too and now I'm gone and shes probably badly hurt "My dear Cady I'm so sorry!"I said while crying "My Child whats wrong?" Slender asked "M-My parents used to beat my sister and I, I always stood up for her and now she's probably hurt....."I said still crying "My child you can go back to your house and check up on her,I will get BEN to put a tracker on you, You have 2 days then BEN will check up on you...."Slender said and I nodded and went back up the hill to fight EJ and I noticed '___' Is awake and she can fight "Ok children Chica is now going to fight EJ."Slender said and I noticed BEN and Jeff are still awake,So who won?I walked to the place where I last fought and picked up my daggers and looked at EJ and nodded "the Fight can begin now."Slender said EJ ran at me and swung his Scalpel at me and I dodged it and stabbed his back "Im glad I don't have to hold back!"I say and kick in the back of his legs so he falls and I cut his arms and he jumps up and cuts my cheek with the scalpel and I wince in pain and jump back and look at him with a Death look that would make even Slenderman scared,Which it did.He got taken aback and I took that to my advantage.I charge at him and pounce on him and straddle him so that his arms are under my legs,I bring my dagger to his neck and the pressure point where I stabbed '___' and she got knocked out "Nightie night!"I said and stabbed him.I jumped off him and turned around and saw them shocked "Ummm '___' your gonna have to wait......I guess ill fight Jeff.....Until EJ wakes up."I say and look at Jeff who has a grin on and be goes over to Sally and pulls a lock of her hair "Hey squirt!"He says "LEAVE HER ALONE B@sta@rd!"I yell and pull him away from Sally "Oh is the sl*t talking back?" He said with anger "OH WHAT SL*T THE ONLY PERSON TALKING HERE IS THE GIRL THAT'S GOING TO KILL YOU!YOU @$$H*LE!"I yelled and I could see his eyes turn a dark red "Bring it sl*t!"He yelled "ok let's go scar face!"I yelled and everyone started laughing and he got even more enraged at this and swung his knife at me but I doged it and kicked in the back of his leg and cut his back then swung him on his back and got on him and straddle him like I did to EJ and I put my daggers to his neck and was about to cut his head off and I heard Slender yell "Stop it both of you!"I felt myself being lifted up off of Jeff and I looked at all the cuts I did to him."They're back!" I heard Sally yell and I saw 3 girls walk out into the yard and they all looked at me "Whos she?And who did that to Jeff?"A girl with long black hair and a white mask on said "Ah Jane your back and so is Clockwork and Alice.Oh and Chica did that." Slender said motioning to me and I nodded."Sorry I'm late I just had to get something!"A girl with wolf ears and a tail said "Oh who's she?"She asked pointing to me her tail wagging "Im Chica and who are you?"I said "Oh I'm Kanashna just call me Kana though!"
Ok so Kana is my friend on Quotev so I wanted to add her ok! bye guys and yeah sorry but I have to add swearing In this!Bye!

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