My dear Cady.....

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I climbed down the tree and stood infront of my old house and saw my precious 8 year old sister holding her doll and running into her room happily.I saw my mom and dad in they're room asleep.I smile "Sleep well while you still can....'I said and started walking to my old house.I climbed a tree that lead to the roof, I walked on the branch and climbed down and when I was right above the roof I dropped without a sound.I climbed down to Cadys balcony and dropped on it.I opend her door and snuck in waiting for her to come in.I hid in the closet and closed my eyes,Listning to any indication as to when she would come.I heard the door open and little footsteps going somewhere,I then heard a person jump on Cadys bed.I p through the door and saw Cady on her bed playing with her doll her back facing me.I got out of the closet and walked towards her and hugged her from behind "My sweet Cady I'm sorry I left you...."I said and she turned around And smiled "C-Chica I missed you..."She said hugging my arm "Did they hurt you?"I asked her "Nu-uh they were nice to me!"She exclaimed Happily.We went outside into the kitchen cause Cady wanted a drink and a sandwich "Ok Cady what kind?"I asked her "Peanut butter and jelly!!"She said wiggling around in her chair "Dont wiggle around so much your gonna break the chair."I said chuckling at the sight "Oh and sis why do you have raspberry jam on your face?We only have blueberry...."she says and I realize I still have the blood on my face,I wipe it off "Oh my 'friend' gave it to me."I said my back facing her,I smirked while saying that."Oh ok!"She says smiling "Well i have to go buy some milk ill be back ."I said grabbing my wallet and putting on my jacket and boots.I walk outside the wind blowing my hair around in my face.I reach the store and walk inside,I go to the dairy product isle and pick up some milk,Chips and candy bars.I walk outside with my purchased stuff and walk home.I walk inside and put my stuff on the counter and take off my boots and jacket.I step into the kitchen and feel two hands grab my mouth and waits.I struggle to get free but they just lift me up and throw me to the ground,I wince in pain as my body hits the ggroundI feel my tracker fall off and the thought soon gets covered by thoughts of pain.The people start throwing kicks and punches at me.I look up to see the faces of my dad,Mom and other men, I manage to get away from them and I pick up 2 knives and start cutting them but all goes wrong when I make a wrong footing.I fall down the stairs and land with a thud.I realize the knife had landed in my thigh and I wince in pain.The men grab my arm and pull me up and throw me on a table,My body breaking the glass table from impact,My body adopting all the glass shards into my body,Blood gushing out from every end of my body,From arms to legs and head to toe.My mother stood over me and looked at me with that disgusting look ok her face,The look was of victory and triumph.She had beat her eldest daughter,Or so she had thought "Not so tough now are you?"She asked smirking "Go to Hell you b!tch!"I yelled at her not afraid one bit,She slapped my face and I bit it when she brought if close to my mouth(I have shard teeth like LJ and EJ) her hand started gushing blood everywhere and soon her hand was covered with it.She screamed and ran away.My dad grabbed the knives I previously had and walked over to me "My my what shall we do here....."He said and cut my leg open and started cutting every part of my leg and arm being carful about the glass not wanting to cause less pain "Leave my sister alone!"Cady yelled and ran at my dad trying to tackle him "Oh my dead Cady......You want to join the fun too?" He asked "R-run....C-cady...."Was all I managed to say and she just stared at my dad .he grabbed her arm and started cutting it.I could her her scream and then after what seemed like and eternity it stopped and I saw her body hit the ground lifelessly,Her shocked and tearstained face,Her eyes drained of life and face dull.My dad just laughed and he walked over to me knives in hand and he knelt beside me "What a pretty face."He said and cut a line that started and the top at my eyebrow and ended at my lower cheek,He did that with the other half of my face.He lifted my broken body up and threw it into the counter.I coughed up more blood and fell to the ground he walked over to me Kicks and Stabs were thrown from every direction then my a miracle it stopped.My dad bent over and started stabbing my chest and it all went black.I was floating in a sea of endless black,I felt arms pulling my into this goo yet I could not
See anything.I struggled to break free but I just stopped fighting it and let the darkness consume me.I felt this fire start burning me,I wanted to scream until my lungs burst."I don't want to die!I don't deserve to see my dearest Cady!I must avenge her!!!"I yelled and I started laughing insanely,I had just crossed the line of insanity and I was falling deep into madness but I don't care I lost my dear Cady,Now my parents must die!I woke up and felt no pain.I grabbed the two knives and heard my parents packing up "Give us out d@mn money!"I heard a person yell "We will just shut up!We gotta get the h€ll out of here first!"My mom yelled "Wait,How can she still be alive."I heard someone say and I turned around and he froze in place and the others came out and saw me.They ran dropping everything and running out the door.I ran after them and chased them staying a bit behind them making them go insane,They screamed at what they had
ok how is it sofar I'm currently doing how I turn then you will be next!In later chapters ok!

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