My new Friend!

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CHICAS  pov (Well Her name is normally Momik but I changed it up in this!)
"'____'wake up!"I tell ripping the covers off you "NOOOOO!!!"You yell throwning a pillow at me and I jump on you and drag you out of bed "SCHOOL SUCKS BIG TIME I KNOW THAT BUT GET YOUR LAZY BUT OUT OF BED!"I yell and you start getting ready for school "Your the only person that gets me....."You say "I guess so...."I reply and go down stairs (Im your room mate!) "Chica let's go the bus is here!"You yell "Coming!!"I yell getting out of my room and slide down the banister and run to the bus and sit down with you "Did you hear that a girl was found with multiple stabs and she was dead?They say they found no evidence exept a little thing of hair and the DNA was tracked back to Jeffery Woods!Cool right!Hes supposedly now called Jeff the killer!"A girl said "No way!I heard that he was a made up Creepypasta!" The other one said "Yeah so did I till I heard that!"She replied.
'_____' pov
"Hey Chica......Do you think they're real....."I ask worriedly......."Hmmm probably........"Chica said nudging me to the side.

"'____'what do you want to do?Im bored....."Chica said "I don't know...."I replied "How about we go to the forest?"Chica asked "Sure!"I said with a smile (You only smile with people you like and you only like me cause your family beats you,And mine does too so we can relate with that!)
We walked into the forest and realized that the sun was going down "Chica did you bring a flash light?"'_____'asked me "Of course!"I said with a smile and took one out and turned it on."Oooooo what's that?"I asked pointing to a giant house in the distance "I.....Dont know....."She replied.We both stared at the house before I came up with an idea "How about we go check it out?"I asked "Sure,sounds like fun!"She said cheerfully,We both have a love for horror and scary stuff.We walked up to the house, A smile of curiosity on both of our faces,I walked up to the door and walked up the steps and opened the door semi cautiously.I peered through the open door and saw a tv with all sorts of video games and stuff.I gasped at the beauty of the interior and motioned for '____'to come in,She walked inside behind me and I flashed the light around to look at everything.I lead '___' up the stairs and into the room on the right and it looked like a little girls room "Hello?"I asked in a low whisper "Hi!"A little girl said and jumped on me and I stumbled back "Im Sally!Who are you?"She asked "Im Chica!"I replied "Whos she?"Sally asked pointing at '___' "I-Im.......'_-___'"'____' " Said shyly looking at the ground "Why are you guys here?"Sally asked jumping up and down "Hmmm Well we were wandering aimlessly in the beautiful forest and well I spotted this mansion and wanted to have fun so we went here.....Not to be rude.....but you look like Sally Williams the Creepypasta.......The adorable one...."I said looking and observing all her features that resembled Sally Williams,Her Light Chocolate coloured hair,Her Emerald green eyes,Bubblegum pink dress and her little teddy that looked like chCharlie "Yep I'm that Sally!"She said holding Charlie "Want to have a tea party with me?"She asked "Hmmm Sure!"I said and '____' Nodding in agreement "Is she always this shy?"Sally asked pointing to '___' "Yeah,But once he gets used to you she opens up and talks alot more!"I said picking up my pink tea cup and pretending to sip the non existing tea. "Hows my homemade tea?"Sally asked "Marvelous my princess!" I said bowing to her "Ah how kind my royal knight(Body guard)" Sally replied smiling "You should meet the others they'd be sure to like you guys!"Sally said taking my arm in her small fragil hand and pulling me along to the door,I quickly grab '___'s arm and pull her along and Sally opens the door and leads us down a long hall way "Sally how old are you?"I ask "Im 8!How old are you guys?"She replied "Im 16 and '____' is 17!"I said "Oh you guys are close to the ages of the others!"Sally said jumping and we stopped at a large door "Slender is in here!"Sally said jumping and opening the door and I saw a faceless man writing some stuff down "Slender!!!I made some new friends!!!"Sally Said.Slender looked up and if he had a face his eyes would be wide.Slender stood up and walked over to us and 'watched' us closely "Hello Children,How did you find this place?"He asked "Well we saw it In the distance and walked to it...."I said but I was going to say 'We walked here how else!?' But I wanted to live so I held it back. "Very well,You are aloud to stay.....We shall not allow you guys to leave until we trust you enough to keep our well being safe from the outside world"He said and we nodded.
How was it sofar?Theres going to be some hoodie sightings later in the next chapter!!!Ok!
(Update from 2016:  I am sorry but at the beginning I made this story more so about me than you, hopefully you continue to read because I had changed it further on to be more about you, the important reader)

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