Files 1 Ivy aka Fallen Angel

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-Shes not dead just wanted you to know what she looks like and her profile!-
Name: (Fallen Angel) Ivy Shadow
height: 5'5
species : Creepypasta
Age: 16-18
Gender: F
Likes Blood, Sharp things,Music, Killing,Videogames, fighting, arguing,pranking people,messing around, being sarcastic and fun things
Dislikes: Girly girls and pink
Power: She can see farther than anyone, she can hear better than anyone and she can smell better than anyone and she can sense if something bad will happen. She can make people hallucinate things...
How she kills: She goes into her preys room or follows someone home and stabs them once saying "I fell from heaven and you fall to hell." Then she repeatedly stabs them and drinks they're blood...
apearance:Like in pic
Brown hair, green eyes, sharp teeth, black wings. and 2 scars Starting at the top of her eyebrow to the bottom of her cheek
Clothing:Green and black Hoodie, Jeans(Sometimes leggings) and Convers(Sometimes Boots.)
Friends:Everyone except Zalgo
bestfriends:BEN, Jeff,3 proxies,Lj and Clockwork
personality: Funny, Brave,Sarcastic,Perverted(Abit), Prankster, Sadistic,loyal, trustworthy,flirty, sneaky,insane,childish at times.
Quote: I fell from heven now you fall to hell.

Turn that frown upside down Hoodie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now