Hmm how about we count till he will arive?

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((Ok this one had VERY crude humour soooo be prepared!!))
'____' pov
We got inside the attic and Chica lead me to the door to the extra room.Chica opened the hatch and we dropped down soundlessly."Ok ill get my parents and tie them up,You may kill the other man....."Chica said with a killer (I had to do that!)smile We split up and went our ways (I will be doing both our experiences.) I went to a room and heard snoring.I opend the door and walked up to his sleeping form and came up with a plan.I pushed the vase off the night stand and hid in the shadows "It's raining its pouring the old man is snoring....He went to bed and bumped his head and couldn't get up in the morning....."I sang and he got up and started shaking with fear,I walked up behind him and raised my mallet "And neither will you...."I said and he turned around and I hit his head in and he fell to the ground.(Thats how you kill)
I went away from '___'And started looking for my parents.I sensed a heart beat stop and knew that number6 had died and now it's only them Thats left.I found my mom in her room putting on her make up."Oh mother dearest makeup won't make you look good....I can make you look perfect...."I said with a smile and she turned around scared I jumped on her and gagged her and tied her up.I put her under the bed and knocked her out.I found dads heart beat and went to his room I ran up to him and hugged him from behind so he'd tHink i was mom "Oh my sweet wife I'm so glad our demon daughter is dead..."He said "Dead?Oh no I'"I said and knocked him out and tied him up (Hes a big muscular guy) I grabbed him and brought him outside of his room and took mom out too and put them both on chairs and tied them more to the chairs " Oh '____' I have them!!!"I yelled.
'____' pov
I ran downstairs and smiled "Looks like you enjoyed killing him....."Chica said smiling Chica's head turned to the window and I saw no one but I could tell Chica saw Someone.They awoke and started shaking "Hush now it's ok....Oh wait no it's not!!!!"Chica said insanely and they just got even more scared "Oh I would help you buuuuut I'm enjoying this..."I said "Hmmm when's number 6 going to get here...."Chica said knowingly that he's dead..... "Oooo I have an idea of how we can count!"Chica said
I already know what
Flash back
"Hey '___' here's our plan...."Chica said calling me over.Chica whisperd the plan to me "Wow you really are insane....."I said smiling "You bet I am!"She said and with that we left and went into the extra room
Flash back end
"Give me your hand..."She said and her mom gave Chica her hand "Im going to break her fingers one at a time until he comes!!!"She said and we started laughing insanely "This is one......This is two.....This is boring how about I break them all?"Chica said.Ans a Big Bang came from the door and hoodie walked in "H-Hey..."He stutterd and walked in closing the door behind him "We have to go back..."He said and I nodded Chica sighed and broke all of their fingers and then cut them in multiple places and cut of their tongues and gagged them them we left.
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