3. Shit! It's HIM!

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A/N: I shall be changing a few words here and there as a part of my delayed proofreading. [Later :D :D :D]If you have any inputs, suggestions, OTPs, cover ideas etc. DO NOT hesitate to pm. Follow for a follow back ;P

Vote, Comment and Share if you want Santa to give you a cookie. Much love JPC ;)

"Good Evening, Lia"

Lyanna cringed. How dare he call me Lia! Only Dadda gets to call me that. She felt petty but nevertheless disgusted at the man standing on her porch.

No, this can't be! What an excellently planned surprise ruined on...him.

Julian Lancaster.

Bitter memories came flooding to Lyanna's mind and her eyes turned cold. She maintained a straight face, but her jaw ticked at the mere vision of this despicable human being. He was the reason! He was to blame and no one else. She may have been a 7 year old naïve, helpless little girl then. But not anymore! She was a grown-up, a mature 26 year old independent young lady who was capable of calling him out on his bullshit! More than her icy demeanour, her eyes were shooting sparks of utter hatred at him and he, pretending to be oblivious, stood there smiling like he wasn't anything less than an innocent little cherub. She was too busy killing him in multiple ways in her head to notice a presence behind him. It was a man for sure. She broke the killer gaze to focus harder and as if on cue, the person behind Julian stepped up. By now, the staff had recognised Julian and resignedly told the guests to return to their hiding places before switching off the lights again. It was dark. He was really tall! She could make out that much from the splendid moonlight outside causing him to look like a haunting silhouette. But he was against that light. He could see her, but she couldn't see him. She had to crane her neck a little to see him but he was well coalesced with the shadows. Waste. Absentmindedly, she realised, she hadn't allowed them to pass. She stepped aside and Julian strutted into the house to seek a hiding spot for himself. The stranger was like a tower over this relatively short and fat man. He passed without a word, obviously getting the hiding drill. Lyanna dutifully shut the door and waited.

It wasn't long before the doorbell chimed again. Lyanna opened the front door to a tired and visibly surprised Richard. She screamed SURPRISE with a little less fervour than before and that made her hate Julian even more. Richard smiled and regarded his surroundings. Nearly 40 people - his friends, family and a few close business associates had sprung out of nowhere, and his house was lit up like the Fourth of July. Lyanna hugged him hard and Richard reciprocated, overwhelmed. He looked down at her in confusion. It wasn't his birthday today. Lyanna would never forget! His birthday was still months away.

"Congratulations Richie. Many many happy returns of the day"

"Congrats Mr. Collings. Happy birthday"

"Sir, wish you a very happy birthday"

OK, just what is going on?

"Thank you everybody for coming, but I don't quite understand." He said confused, his arm still around his daughter. Before Lyanna could answer, Julian emerged from the crowd and took charge.


"Well surely Rich, you aren't mistaken. It isn't your 'Birthday'", he said making air quotes. "But today is the day Blue Whale and Co. received its first shipping deal. It was the day your hard work and labour brought you your first clients. And we are gathered here today to celebrate the day you were born, to become one of the biggest, most formidable shipping industrialists this world has ever seen." A huge round of applause followed Julian's speech, but Lyanna could swear she heard someone grunt. Richard gave a humble smile and beamed at his daughter, "This was your idea wasn't it? Who else would keep a track of something so forgotten yet so special to my heart? Thank you so much Lia."

She just smiled. She was happy to see Richard smiling a genuine smile in years. The company's fluctuating stocks had him on his heels, he had forgotten how truly blessed he was. Oh how he had made his way through all those hardships, without anyone's help and had become a business megamind. But off late, he had become depressed owing to the fact that for the first time in his life, he was forced to ask his friend for help. It was breaking him and she knew it. But she was going to pull him out of it. It was good that Julian had made her a part of this deal. She would be able to keep an eye on him. But what about Nicholas Winter? The would-be husband who...Faint memories of her childhood came rushing back to her. She had known him all too well. Before...

Her thoughts were interrupted when a tall, brooding stranger made his way towards them. Richard took his arm from around Lyanna and moved ahead to shake hands with him. Julian gave her a smirk and patted the stranger's shoulder affectionately. Richard seemed delighted to meet him though she couldn't tell as his back was towards her and she could not quite see the stranger's face either. Standing where she was, she could only make out his dark, rich, chocolate brown hair glowing ethereally under the chandeliers lights. Richard moved and then she saw him.

Shit! It's HIM.

***Muahahahaha!!!! Sorry not sorry, but I seem to be enjoying the cryptic endings***

P.S.: If you are following my story and want me to follow yours, I will be more than happy to oblige. :D

Your friendly neighbourhood,

Spider Man


JPC <3

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