7. Do you like Chinese?

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"Ready to go?"

He slumped his shoulders slightly, defeated no doubt. Tuesday had come and how?

3 weeks! 3 weeks until his baby, Blue Whale and Co. was going to be renamed. This was good. He would run it just the way it was, better even. Maybe, with the help of Julian and Nicholas, he could figure out how so many investors backed out and crippled the company's stocks. But that was later.

"Yes baby, let's go."

He hooked an arm around his daughter and they both headed out of the office building.

Lyanna knew that Richard would never let her be a part of the board meeting. He would evade her requests but deep down she knew that he wouldn't like her to see him so sad. But nothing was stopping her from waiting right outside the boardroom. That night on the terrace, she promised to steal him away for a long lunch on Tuesday and no details of the deal would be discussed during that time. It was Lia and Dadda's time.


Did she deliberately ignore me?

On his way out of the boardroom, Nicholas stopped in his tracks. Dressed in a collared white sleeve-less formal shirt, paired with a sky grey pencil skirt, she was awkwardly standing a few steps away. Worry marring her charming face and hazel eyes looking out for someone.

Who was she looking for? Me?

A sad, yet incredibly warm smile started spreading on her lips. Lyanna was looking at him. She straightened and took a step towards him. He was going to do that too. As weird as their last meeting, he could not get her out of his head. It had only been a few days, but it felt as if he had been devoid of her presence for an eternity.

In hindsight, he may have overreacted. It was just harmless flirting.

Which was way too direct

But it was...interesting. The least he could do was say hello.

He was just taking a step towards her when someone else did. He saw how Lyanna's line of vision slowly altered and after a brief exchange, Richard's hand found Lyanna's shoulder. They were headed outside as other board members made their way out of the boardroom.

Did she not see him standing right there? Oh Lord and all this while he thought she was here for HIM! But he wasn't wrong to think that. She did flirt with him. Or was it teasing? She knew it would have made him uncomfortable so she decided to have a joke or so at his expense. Unacceptable!

Before he could process the consequences of his action, he ran after them. His flight did startle a few board members who were headed to the elevators, but they were discussing about the deal and hence, were beyond caring.

He missed them by the skin of his teeth. The elevator doors shut and he knew aggressively pressing the floor button would only take him so far. The elevator right next to it pinged and he entered in like flash. He was not going to wait for the old hags who were chit-chatting and crawling towards the elevator. He pressed the close button and earned a few urgent "hey" "stop that elevator"-s.

As the lift pinged again on the ground floor, he stepped out and looked for a 5 something brunette with her 'also there' father. He caught the tell-tale attributes of her clothes and called out to her like a crazy person.


Practically every other soul in the lobby turned around to see him. They halted in their tracks. Richard gave a weak yet enthusiastic smile and Lyanna's face was yet to form an expression of his choice.


Lyanna reflected a dull version of Richard's reaction. "Good afternoon Nicholas."

Why is she being so formal?

Their eyes made a fleeting contact before Lyanna broke off. Richard was observing Nicholas who was regarding Lyanna intensely.

Looks like Lyanna has a lot more to tell me about that party

Richard smiled and said, "Nick, we were just heading out for a lunch. Why don't you join us...Ouch!!!"

Richard covered his last word with a polite cough. He looked at Lyanna, who in turn gave him the deadliest look known to human kind.

If Nicholas saw it, he chose to ignore it completely. "I would love to. Sure I wouldn't be imposing on father-daughter time?"

"Actually we..."

"Actually we wouldn't mind at all. You are family now." Richard happily cut Lyanna's refusal and warmly patted Nicholas' shoulder.

"I'll call for the car." Lyanna announced and started walking towards the exit.

"I'll come with you." In three strides he was right beside her. She looked back at Richard who gave his special only-for-when-I-tease-Lyanna cherubic-plus-satanic smile.

Oh dad, what are you up to now?

She narrowed her eyes at him before she was ushered out of the exit.

"So...where are we going for lunch?" Nicholas made an attempt at conversation.

For the first time that day, Lyanna gave her mischievous smile and said, "Do you like Chinese?"


A/N: WE HAVE ALMOST REACHED 100 VIEWS! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Keep the love coming! Update was super late, but I am super stoked. We have a new member joining us in the next chapter and the secrets are just around the corner. Would love to see some cool cover ideas if you want to share them. Don't forget to vote and comment. Follow for a follow back ;) Lyanna's photo in media.

I had something in mind. With every chapter I publish, I will tell you something about me. It will be called A/M. And if you want to share something about yourself, please feel free to post or pm.

A/M: I am cray-cray crazy about the Supernatural series.

Your turn!

Much love,

JPC <3

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