Bonus Chapter 1.

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A/N: Hey there! Answering your questions right away.

*Is this important to the plot?

: Yes, it kinda is.

*What if I skip this?

: You might not want to actually.

*If it is important, why TH are you calling them Bonus Chapters?

: Reason 1 – Because I can

Reason 2 – Because I want to

Reason 3 – Because why not? And finally . . .

Reason 4 – Because it is important to know the characters better and understand why they'd act the way they will later.


The phone-call Nick got:

"Open your ears and listen to me very carefully. My patience is wearing thin. I tolerated your wedding hoopla and I am willing to overlook your face-stuffing with that trollop on every media platform—"

"Jeanine . . . Please, listen to me. I—"

"Don't talk over me. I asked you to listen. You should be receiving a courier by tomorrow. It will help you get rid of that whiny dumbfuck in no time. Just make sure she gets it. I hope I have made myself clear."

"Crystal," Nick sounded exasperated.

"And one more thing, Nick. I may have allowed you to play the field every once in a while. But if I find out, and believe me it is not that difficult, that you are involved with that closet-girl in any sexual way, I will unleash my worst side."

"I'm a grown man, Jeanine. I have needs. If my wife is sating them for me, I will only be too happy to oblige," Nick was fed up of being ordered around. He wasn't her little fuckboy. Well, not anymore.

"Of all the people, I know about your needs, Nick. But I hate that girl . . . a lot more than I care about your needs. If you so much as touch her or look at her too long, I will ruin her so bad that no guy would even think of going near her. Ciao." The line went dead like Nick's erratic pulse.

He sat back in his chair shell-shocked. He had known Jeanine. To this day, she could make him stutter. He was sure if she put her mind to it, she could bring down an empire. He never quite understood her special hatred for Lyanna. Maybe hating the Collings was genetic—father to father and daughter to daughter. A part of him wanted to rebel against her, but he remembered the unspeakable consequences he had experienced in the past and. A girl was almost paralyzed with fear.


Nick's monologue when he's on his way to pick up Lyanna for dinner.

You're attracted to her. That's it. There is nothing more to it. If you would've slept with her, she'd already be yesterday's news. You've seen the stacks of Julie Garwood books on her shelf. She's a starry-eyed vanilla lover. You'll probably do more damage to her than Jean. *swallows hard to ease pain in the gut*

It's all right. You caught it in time. All you have to do is get those wretched share papers signed. It's not too late. No promises have been exchanged. Only saliva. *shakes head hard and lets out a tattered breath**hand grabs steering wheel too hard*

Focus asshole. You've almost reached her building. Stow your fucking excitement. You can't bring it down can you? You've gotten a fucking taste for her skin. You should have held back at the altar. But no. You had to keep going for another and then another *parks on the opposite road of the hospital*

Where is she? *watches Lyanna cross the road*

If Jeanine's 'parcel' is arriving tomorrow, it means I have only one day with Lyanna. Or more accurately, only one night.


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