Along Came Danny Chapter 5: It's raining comedy

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Hey Guys.

First off I am so sorry it took so long for me to update. I have no excuse other than I am lazy and I lost my love for this story. however I'm back with a new chapter. hopefully you will be shocked by the chapter to come :)


The door bell sounded as I looked in the mirror, flicking my straightened blonde hair from my face lightly. The outfit I had picked out for tonight was a simple pair of black jeans, a red set of small heels and a floral blouse, as Danny had already texted me to wear neat casual.

My heels clicked as I walked to the door, revealing a very handsome Danny on the foot of my doorstep as the door was opened, a bouquet of red roses in his hand stood out against his dark blue jeans and his pressed button down white dress shirt.

“These are for you,” the flowers were passed to my hand and I smiled, a blush threatening to creep to my face. I had only been given flowers once, when my mother passed away.

“They’re beautiful,” I cooed as I fingered one of the blood red petals softly with my index finger. I ran to the kitchen and placed the flowers in a vase before grabbing my purse and phone off the bench and made my way back to the door, closing it gently behind me.

“So where are we going tonight?” I asked, the summer heat cooling down a touch so the wind nipped lightly at your flesh, allowing goose bumps to form.

“It’s a surprise,” winking we walked down the street side by side, our shoulders brushing against each other every so often. I knew we weren’t going too far as we were walking, and I knew that it had something to do with the bucket list.

We stopped just outside an older looking pub, looking even smaller in size than it most probably was underneath the tall Melbourne buildings. I looked down towards our hands that brushed softly against each other, daring one another to in tangle their fingers amongst each other’s.

As we entered the bar I looked at the signs that plastered the old pub’s walls. Competitions and races being advertised as a way for people to pay the small bar the extra money it most likely needed.

“I’ll be right back,” Danny said as he left me at a table and making his way over towards a taller balding man wearing a suit. They talked for a bit, the noise coming from the different conversations and music blocking any of my chances of knowing what they were talking about. I played with the hem of my blouse as Danny laughed at something the bald man said, his eyes glimmering behind his glasses. Finally they shook hands and the bald man gave Danny a piece of paper before he made his way back over to my table.

“I’m on second,” Danny smirked in my direction and threw the piece of paper down on the table. Picking it up (whilst eyeing Danny cautiously) I began to read the small writing printed on the paper.

Congratulations on making it to the second round!

This year we have had many people offer their jokes to us to see who really has what it takes to be a standup comedian. The first round, completed by telling our Judge Benson Thomas a few jokes, was just too easy for you. So join us for the second round of comic relief and show us what you have!

“Wait, you’re doing this tonight?” Danny nodded and smiled happily at me, his face lighting up.

“I have always wanted to try this, so why not tonight? Besides it’s on the bucket list,” his smile turned into a full blown grin as the first act came onto the stage, the crowd grew quiet as the woman told her jokes and bowed when the crowd clapped and cheered.

I couldn’t really say I wasn’t nervous for Danny, the woman, Annabelle Rose, was incredibly funny and quick, turning a quickly flung insult from a drunken man into a side aching comeback.

Finally it was Danny’s time to make the audience either laugh with him, or boo him off stage.


“You were awful,” I laughed as Danny and I walked around the park, a chocolate ice-cream cone in his hand whilst I had a vanilla cone in mine.

“I wasn’t that bad,” I laughed harder remembering some of the jokes that Danny had tried to pull off that night.

“You commented on airline food,” Danny pushed my lightly as a small smile graced his face, his eyes shining playfully behind his glasses.

“Hey!” I squealed as I looked back at him, the slight push he gave me allowed the gap between us to become bigger.

“Hey yourself,” Danny poked his tongue out at me as he closed the small gap between us once again. I could feel his warm arm lightly brushing against my own.

A petty shriek left my lips as a cold sensation reached my nose. Danny had pushed his ice cream cone into my face, smearing chocolate ice cream all over my nose.

“What was that for?” my voice was at least three to four times higher than usual as I pushed my own cone into Danny’s face.

“You told me I was awful!”

“You were booed off the stage, I can’t even imagine how you got through the first round”

“I wasn’t that bad,” Danny mumbled,  a hint of a blush reaching his cheeks. We threw our cones in the bin as I spoke.

“I’m sorry Danny, but you were,” gathering some mental strength I clasped Danny’s hand in my own, a barely auditable gasp left Danny’s lips, as if he was shocked that I had grabbed his hand, and he wasn’t the only one.

We walked together, faces covered in ice cream, hand in hand around the park, the night sky becoming darker with the promise of rain to soon arrive.

“Should we head back?” Danny asked, his hand still covering my own and sending small shocks through my arm.

“I guess, we don’t really want to get rained on,” I looked up at Danny as he smiled down at me, his smile turning into a smirk.

“You know, dancing in the rain is on my bucket list,” Danny’s sentence ended to sound more like a question as I sighed.

“fine, but I’m not waiting too long for it too rain,” as the words left my lips small droplets of rain fell from the sky, and with a blink of an eye rain began to pour down, drenching everything with water and the beautiful sound of it hitting the pavement and the trees surrounding us.

Bringing his free hand around to my back Danny pulled my body close to his, a few centimeters between both of our bodies.

We danced for who knows how long, Danny softly hummed in my ear as I leaned my head against his hard chest, the rain surrounding us.

If someone had told me a month ago that I would be here right now, dancing in the rain with this beautiful guy that I knew I had begun having feelings for I would have laughed and told them that they were crazy. But here I was, dancing with this beautiful man that I had come to accept my feelings for, whose face was moving closer to mine.

His eyes met mine, before looking down slightly at my lips and lingering for a few minutes as they moved slowly back to my eyes. I closed my eyes as his face moved closer, his lips finally making contact with my own.

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