Along Came Danny

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hey guys, new story! hope you enjoy it, I think it is going to be a fun one to write. see any errors? point them out in the comments below seeing as this is not exactly edited haha. Since I am Australian, and it is based in Australia, this story is written in Australian English, and using Australian terms, seasons and anything else that is Australian, so if you are American, wondering why it's hot in November, that is why! Once again I hope you enjoy!


I never really gave much thought to death; I had always imagined that I would never be faced with a death of anyone I love, let alone my mother. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought that in the event that my mother would die, I would be the one with her, seeing her head smash the side window of the driver’s side, or hear her screams of pain as she slowly moved on to whatever happens to someone after they died. The sounds of the car wrapping itself around a pole after being smashed from behind by another car wasn’t a thought process compared to my mother’s cry for help. I could never picture my mother’s final words leave her lips, whispering my name before the painful screaming silenced, and my mother encountered the face of death.

Six years later, I live in Melbourne with my father Samuel. I am currently studying a degree in the arts at MelbourneUniversity and work at one of the MacDonald’s that can be found on every street in one of Australia’s busiest cities.

I sit on the tram, it stops right outside my house, ever since my mother’s death I had been too afraid to drive a car, which to some people it would be quite odd for a twenty two year old woman to think in that sense.

Pulling the sting that is treaded along the roof a ‘ding’ could be heard, signalling that the tram would be stopping at my stop. Picking up my backpack from the floor I swung it over my shoulder, stepping into the hot November air.

Next week is the final week of my classes for the year, allowing me to have 3 months of holidays before I started my final year after Christmas. As I stepped off the tram and walked into my house I realised I had no plans for the summer break, not surprisingly since I made it difficult for myself to make friends. Before my mother’s accident I was quite a bubbly sixteen year old, but the bond my mother and I shared was something better than any of the friendships I had with my friends.
My Dad decided that the house we were living in was just a big reminder of his soul mate and moved us to the city, where Dad had always wanted to live but Mum, being as stubborn as she was wanted to stay in the small country town they had both grown up in.

I walked into the silent house, placing my backpack next to the couch I jumped down onto it, and flicked through the channels on the T.V. Dad was still at work and I had a few hours to kill before I had to make a start on cooking dinner.

Sighing I stood up, stretching my legs and twisting my body, trying to crack my bones slightly before grabbing my bag and walking down the hall and into my room to study.

My room was, in my opinion, pretty cool. The walls were painted a light shade of purple, my Mum’s favourite colour. Fairy lights hung from the ceiling, lighting up the room with colours of all sorts. A large light grey shag rug covered most of the carpet. A few posters were hung on the wall with the faces of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones taking the spotlight. A double bed sat in the middle of the room, leaning on the back wall. A white bedside table placed to the right of the bed and a big mahogany desk in the far left corner.

Sitting down at the desk I pulled out my laptop, ready to do the essay that was due next week, not even a few sentences into my essay my phone rang. Answering it, my Dad’s voice filtered through the speaker.

“Hey Katie, how was Uni?” Dad asked, his tone sounded dull and tired. I nodded and answered his question, “It was fine, like every other class.”

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