Chapter 11: The Romantic Inside

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Please don't hurt me!

I am so sorry guys, but I am in the writing zone at the moment and should be writing a few more chapters in the next couple of days!

I know this one is short, but I really didn't want to make you guys wait any longer.

Also, there is Sexual Themes in this one, not much but I thought I should let you know. 


Chapter 11.

The final day of the year was spent well; Danny and Leo sat in the shade of a nearby tree, guitars in hand as Leo taught Danny how to play a few songs. Lindsay decided she might go for a run along the beach, leaving Jeremy and myself lying in the sand, working on our tans.

“So, you and Danny huh?” Jeremy asked, his voice breaking the air around us. The waves crashed evenly along the sandy beach and the birds tweeted amongst themselves loudly, the sun shined brightly and the wind was barely there, making the final day of the year perfect.

“Yeah,” I replied, my sunglasses hiding my eyes from Jeremy. Not that Jeremy seeing my eyes was a bad thing, it was more the fact that I was talking about my newly formed relationship with my boyfriend’s brother.

“It took you a long time,” Jeremy commented, his voice not matching his usual happy tone and energy. I took the sunglasses off my face and sat up, looking over at Jeremy who was lying on his stomach, his face buried in his crossed arms.

“Are you okay with it?” I asked, my voice breaking slightly as I watched his head move to nod. I smiled and laid myself back down, letting the sun soak into my skin.  I never received an answer.

The day flew past, all of us taking a swim in the undisturbed ocean after lunch, diving and ducking I the waves.

As the sun began to set and the bon fire was once again started we all sat down, a beer in each hand. Danny plucked softly on his guitar, Leo stopping him every now and again to teach him. I stared into the fire, my mind blank, just watching the flames dance with each other, temping me to join it, for the flames to lick their way up my arms as I dance amongst them.

A tap on the shoulder brought me out of my daze, Danny looking down at me with a smile on his face.

“Want to go for a walk?” Danny asked, his smile glowing against the darkened sky, I nodded and stood up, brushing the sand off my shorts before walking along the beach hand in hand with Danny.

It was peaceful, the silence between us. The wind blew softly around us, the waves crashing against the shore. Danny’s breathing could be heard beside me. Danny stopped after about ten minutes of walking, unpacking the backpack that I only just realised he had with him to reveal a picnic blanket and plastic containers filled to the brim with food.

“I thought we needed a moment just the two of us,” the smile on his face grew large as he flicked out the picnic blanket, the fabric landing on the sand below us, catching slightly in the breeze.

Dropping myself down onto the rug I opened a sandwich and slowly ate it, moaning as the simple yet beautiful taste of chicken and mayonnaise hit my tongue.

We lay side by side, eating the food Danny prepared and talking about stupid, irrelevant things and laughing about childhood memories.

The food had been eaten pretty quick leaving Danny and I to lay underneath the stars in silence that only lasted a few moments.

“Do you remember the first date I took you on?” Danny lifted himself up so he was propped up on his elbow, his green eyes twinkling behind his glasses.

I nodded, my body slightly underneath his. A smile graced my face as I remembered one of the many conversations of that night.

“And do you remember what I said to you as we were walking to the car?” Danny’s hand was drawing circles along my bare stomach where my shirt had lifted slightly.  My body shivered involuntarily as his fingers lightly grazed my skin. The wind blew slightly over the top of us, Danny’s hair flowing gracefully within the wind.

I nodded again, my voice catching within my now dry throat. I licked my lips slowly, trying to rid them of their dry texture. The silence grew between us, not uncomfortable, but a passionate silence, a silence that indicated what was about to happen next, something I knew I was ready for.

Danny’s head tilted towards mine, his eyes closing behind his glasses as his lips met mine in a passionate dance that only our mouths knew the steps. My heart was pounding in my chest as my hand reached up for Danny’s short, grasping it tightly in my fist.

Everything was moving in slow motion, yet time was moving so quickly, Danny’s shirt being thrown into a tree a few metres away, my shirt being tossed into the tree above us. Danny moaned slightly as he kissed down my neck, meeting the edging of my bra.

“Are you sure you are ready to do this?” Danny looked up at me with a worried look on his face. His hair was messy from my hands running themselves through his blonde strands and his eyes dark with hunger.

A giggle left my lips as I crashed my mouth onto his and our bodies began to move in rhythm, a heated passion that we had both been denying ourselves for too long.


The wind had slowed down minutes after Danny had rolled onto his back, our breathing in sync, happy and heavy.

“Wow,” was the only word that I could form, Danny laughed beside me, his laugh huskier than before, sending a chill down my spine.

“You really are,” Danny lifted himself back onto one elbow and smiled down at me, I let out a laugh and looked away.

“No, don’t look away, you’re beautiful,” Danny’s hands grased my face and gently pulled my chin so my eyes were looking directly into his blue ones.

“I Love you Katie,”

“I love you too, Danny”

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