Chapter Seven

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*Bella's POV*

'Shush guys, don't wake them up! We need to instagram this shit.' I heard Luke's voice and the sound of a photo being taken.

'Go away.' I mumbled, snuggling further into Calum bare chest.

'They would make cute babies.' Ashton said and the other boys laughed.

'Excuse me?' I carefully jumped out of bed and pushed Ashton. 'What did you say?' I pushed him back again while trying not to laugh.

'Nothing, don't worry.' He smirked.

'Shit's going down.' Michael laughed from besides me.

'You wanna go?' I joked.

I gently pushed Ashton down on to the bed and he fell next to Calum, who still wasn't awake. Calum must of felt the bed move and thought it was me, so he wrapped his arm around Ashton's waist as Ash went to stand up. Ashton got pulled into Calum's chest and then got a kiss on the cheek from Calum.

'Morning beautiful.' Calum mumbled, still not fully awake yet. We all quickly took a photo and posted it to instagram, twitter and facebook. I captioned mine as 'When your own boyfriend mistakes you for his band member.' Ashton's face turned red as Calum's eyes opened. Michael, Luke and I were all laughing so hard it was hard to breathe.

'What the hell dude! Where's my girl?' Calum shouted.

'Getting a bit cuddly there, eh Calum?' Luke laughed.

'Morning Calum.' I grinned, stading at the bottom of the bed.

'Ashton, why were you in my bed?' He asked.

'You're the one that pulled me in there with you.' Ashton laughed.

'What do you want anyway, I saw you yesterday.' Calum groaned.

'Nice to see you too.' Michael said.

'We were just wondering if you were up for a game of soccer, but we didn't know you had company last night.' Ashton winked.

'She lives with me now so I'm going to have company every night.' Calum winked back at them.

'Since when?' Luke asked.

'Since last night.' Calum said.

'Why?' Michael asked.

'My mum left me and sold the house, so I had no where else to go.' I said. The room fell silent as I grabbed my clothes and went for a shower to get rid of the awkwardness. I quickly shampooed and conditioned my hair and rinsed it out. I stepped out of the shower and put my underwear on.

'Do you think she's okay?' I heard Ashton's low voice from the other side of the door.

'I don't know man, I hope she is. I think it got worse when I was away, she's going through so much and she's lost heaps of weight, i'm really worried.' I heard Calum speak.

I looked at my body in the mirror, it's true, I have lost weight. It doesn't look unhealthy though so I'm happy.

'I'm sure she'll be fine dude, especially living here now, just give her some time.' Luke said.

'Yeah.' Calum mumbled.

'You know what could make you both happy?' Luke said.

'What?' Calum asked. The room fell silent for a few seconds and then the sound of the boy's laughter filled the bathroom it was that loud.

'I don't know, we've only done it a few times. It's up to her.' I heard Calum, even though he was whispering.

'What are you guys talking about?' I asked, opening the bathroom door and carrying my dirty clothes out.

'Nothing.' Luke said as Calum's face went red. Michael and Ashton were trying to hold in their laugh and I was having trouble holding mine in too because of how embarrassed Calum looked.

'Naw babe, it's okay.' I said to Calum and walked over to him. 'You might get a suprise soon.' I whispered in his ear and winked. The boys cracked up laughing at Calum's facial expression.

'We're going to head off now, bye Calum, bye Bella.' Michael winked, closing the door after Luke and Ashton walked out.

'So.' I laughed. Calum looked up and laughed with me.

'Way to make things awkward between us and the boys, Bel.' He joked.

'What, it's not like we've never done it before, like you said, and I doubt the boys haven't done it.' I said.

'I know, I know.' He laughed. 'Anyway, i'm going to get food, you coming?' He stood up and opened the door. I nodded and followed him to the empty kitchen.

'Mum's at work, and my sister is at Uni, so we've got the house to ourselves for the day.' He said, opening the fridge and pulling the butter and bread out. He placed four slices of bread in the toaster and waited patiently for them to toast.

'What do you want to do today?' He asked.

'I don't know, I can't really do much, cause of my leg.' I said.

'That's okay, wanna just have a movie marathon? We haven't had one in forever.' Calum asked.

'Yeah, sure.' I agreed. 'What movies?' I asked.

'Step Brothers, and what ever you want to watch, pick anything.' He said.

'Mean Girls, Pitch Perfect, She's the Man, Tomorrow When The War Began, that should do us.' I smiled. We even watched them in that order. We walked, well Calum walked and I hobbled on my crutches, up to Calum's room and we layed down on his bed. I fell asleep on Calum's shoulder in the second movie, and woke up just as the last one was beginning. It was dark outside already and some rain started to fall from the clouds.

'Yes, a storm.' I said, I love storms.

'I don't like storms.' Calum said.

'How come? They're amazing.' I said, peeking through the curtains.

'The thunder scares me. I don't know, i've been scared since I was younger.' He said.

'Aw, it's okay, i'm here.' I said, laying back down on the bed to face the roof. Calum reached over and gently kissed me on the lips. He sat up on one elbow and placed one hand on my hip, deepening the kiss. I placed one hand on his shoulder and the other hand was gripped into his hair.We left a trail of love bites on eachother's necks.

'You know how earlier I said I might suprise you?' I panted.

'Yeah?' Calum asked.

'Suprise.' I whispered, rolling over onto of him and swiftly taking his jeans off in one move.


We continued watching the movie when I remembered something.

'Shit!' I said.

'What?' Calum's worried voice asked.

'The dog's still outside.' I said, going to get up but Calum bet my to it.

'I'll be twenty seconds, you'll be twenty minutes!' He said, running out of his room to let Oreo in. And sure enough, twenty seconds later he was back in bed with me.

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