Chapter Twelve

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*Bella's POV*

This is mine and the boy's 12th week here. I've been going to the gym everyday for the past three weeks with the boys to try get rid of my stomach that seemed to be getting bigger by the second, no matter how healthily I ate or how many exercises I did. I started feeling angry and upset that I was putting on weight, i'd even moved up a bra size. I didn't understand though, I work out and eat healthy and I was just gaining weight by the day.

'What do you think it could be?' I asked Calum, who didn't seem too worried over it.

'Bella, you don't look any different.' He sighed.

'I do, I can see it.' I mumbled. 'Please, just be honest with me, or i'll go talk to the other boys about it.' I said.

'Fine, go talk to them then. They'll just say the same thing as me.' He shrugged. I stormed out of the room and into the loung room where the other boys were playing Fifa.

'Can you please pause it?' I asked Michael. He quickly paused it and waited for me to continue.

'Since I don't think Calum is being honest with me, I'm going to ask you the same thing I asked him. Do I look bigger?' I asked, pointing to my stomach and legs.

'Nope.' The boys said.

'Seriously?' I asked.

'Maybe you've gotten a little bigger, but it doesn't look like fat, it looks like muscle.' Ashton grinned, meaning it was a good thing.

'But since when do you get muscle that sticks out on your stomach?' I laughed, staring down at my stomach.

'Maybe that's not muscle.' Luke shrugged. Michael elbowed Luke in the chest just as Calum walked in. 'Luke said I look fatter, see I told you.' I said, crossing my arms.

'I didn't mean it like that, what I meant was, you know.' He said, not making eye contact.

'What?' I asked, confused.

'There could be a little person in there, I don't know, it's just a thought.' He mumbled. 'Forget it, that was stupid, you wouldn't be-' He said but I bet him to it.

'Pregnant.' I whispered.

I locked eyes with Calum and pressed my palm to my stomach. Was my son or daughter growing in there? They couldn't be. The last time Calum and I had sex was in Australia, just before we left, which was three months ago. I couldn't possibly be three months pregnant, but I was showing all the signs.

'Can you please drive me to the chemist.' I asked Ashton, the only

one with his drivers license.

'Yeah, yeah of course.' Ash said, chucking a warm jacket on and some shoes.

Thirty minutes later and we were on our way home from the chemist. I bought three of the best pregnancy testers, just to be sure.

'So.' Ashton said, trying to start up a conversation.

'I don't think I can handle this.' I shook my head.

'I'm sure you'll make a great mother.' He smiled, trying to reassure me. Mother. I could be one and I don't even know.

'What do you think Calum's thinking?' I asked. He pondered this question for a few seconds before giving a truthful answer.

'I think he'll be shocked at first, like anyone would be of course, but he absolutely adores kids, he would make a great father.' Ashton said.

'But would it be what he would want though?' I asked.

'You'll have to ask him yourself about that one.' He smiled. As soon as we pulled into the driveway, I raced to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. While I was waiting for what felt like the longest ten minutes of my life, I counted the last time I had my period. The last time was a few weeks before we left to come here, which means i've missed it three times and I didn't even notice, it's never been regular so I just assumed everything was okay.

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