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Hey guys! I decided I missed this story too much and that it wasn't quite finished so I decided to write an epilogue :D it's only short sorry :( hope you enjoy and thanks for reading and voting and stuff, means alot :) xx


*Five years later*

Calum's POV

'Sophia, are you ready yet? Come on we're going to be late.' I yelled up the stairs.

'Coming daddy!' She yelled back as she raced down the stairs. We left the house and started the short drive to Luke's house to visit the boys and their girlfriends. It's been five long years since Bella passed away and there hasn't gone a day where I haven't thought about her. Sophia asks about her all the time and I tell her stories about Bella and I. As for the band, we toured the world and gained hundreds of thousands of fans but we drifted away from the music and started focusing on our famillies. Luke and Monique have been married for three years now with two little girls called Aaliyah and Ella, Michael and his girlfriend Poppy are expecting their first child in a month, and as for Ashton, he's planning on proposing to his girlfriend Skylar in a few weeks.

We arrived at Luke and Monique's house and knocked on the door.

'Coming!' I heard Luke yell from inside. A few seconds later and he opened up the door.

'Hey Soph!' He said and picked her up off the ground.

'Hey uncle Luke.' She giggled and wrapped her tiny arms around his body.

'Come inside and go find Aaliyah and Ella.' Luke said and set Sophia back on the ground.

'Hey man.' Luke said and bro hugged me. 'Come inside.' He said and we walked into his massive house.

'Ashton and Skylar aren't here yet, they'll be a little late.' He said and passed me a beer.

'Hey Monique.' I said and gave her a light hug.

'Hey, Cal.' She smiled and returned to making her salad.

Soon enough Ashton and Skylar arrived and we sat down to drink our beer and eat our barbeque lunch.

'Daddy! Ella has the barbie doll I want! Look!' Sophia yelled and showed me a blonde haired barbie that was way too skinny and wearing too much makeup for little girl to idolise. That's all women worry about these days, what their hair looks like, how much food they eat, how long their eyelashes are and when they need to book their next nail appointment. Bella wasn't like that, she didn't give a damn about how many slices of pizza she had or if her hair was a little frizzy in the morning. I miss that, I miss being with someone who was so carefree. But no matter how hard I wish, Bella won't come back and I need to accept that.

'You don't need that doll.' I smiled at Sophia.

'Oh but I do! Look how perfect and pretty it is!' She said, brushing the dolls hair with her tiny comb.

'Soph, if your mother were here, she'd probably laugh at how silly you're being. You don't need to be pretty or perfect, you just need to be you. Your mum didn't have blonde hair like this doll, she didn't have the same body as her either, but I still loved her and thought she was beautiful. Okie dokie, kid?' I said and ruffled up her hair. I was expecting a reply along the lines of 'Dad, don't mess up my hair!' but instead, she said, 'okie dokie', left her hair the way it was, gave the doll back to Ella and ran off to go kick the soccer ball around outside. And that's when I knew I was doing the best possible job I could do as a father.

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