Chapter Eighteen

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After a few hours of relaxing a the hotel, we were at the venue getting ready for tonights show. The boys only had a few minutes until they were onstage and here I was again, supporting them from the side of the stage.

Goodluck guys.' I smiled and they each hugged me. Calum quickly kissed my cheek and then ran onto the stage with the other boys, earning massive cheers from the fans. I blushed and shook my head at Calum and the good old times.

*Calum's POV*

After the show finished, we headed back to the hotel and each had showers in our seperate rooms. Bella stayed in my room whilst I had my shower and she entertained herself with my guitar. I could hear her beautiful voice and the light strumming of the guitar from the shower and smiled to myself. I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist. I heard the boys saying goodnight to Bella and popped my head out of the bathroom door.

'Night boys.' I nodded at them.

'Night Cal.' They chorused as Ashton closed the door quietly. I quickly put a pair of boxers on and went back out to my room where Bella was sitting on my bed, subconciously biting her fingernails and her eyes concerntrating on her phone. I playfully snatched her phone from her and tossed it to the other side of the room.

'Hey! What was that for?' She asked sadly and I shrugged while climbing onto the bed next to her. She quickly took my phone, typed something and threw it back to me. I cheked my twitter first to see that she had hacked it.

'I love @BellaBoo more than anything in the whole wide world <3' I quietly laughed at the fact that she didn't realise it was actually true. I locked my phone, placed it on the bedside table next to me and turned back to Bella.

'So.' She stated, moving the pillows so she could lay down next to me.

'I miss you.' I whispered.

'I'm right here.' She smiled. I sighed and shook my head at how oblivious she was.

'I mean I miss us, you, our relationship, everything.' I said, looking into her eyes.

'I miss you too, Cal.' She sofly smiled at me and squeezed my hand. I rolled from my side of the bed to where I was now, hovering over her. My hand involuntarily brushed her cheek and I gently kissed her lips. She was taken aback and tense at first but began to relax. I deepened the kiss and placed one hand underneath her back and one on the headboard. She rolled us over and placed her hand on my chest, breathing heavily. I took this as an oppurtunity to leave a trail of lovebites down her neck which she slightly moaned at. My hands soon became knotted in her hair and her fingernails dug into my back. I whipped her dress off and seconds later she unbuttoned my shirt which was roughly thrown to the floor. My hands fell to her hips and I looked into her eyes for approval to do what I was about to do next. She slightly nodded and in next few moments we were both bare skinned. She rolled us back over so I was ontop again, and in the process she knocked the lamp off the bedside table which was followed with a loud thump.

'Oops.' She giggled and continued kissing my collarbone. Her lips soon returned to mine and my hands travelled down to her hips again.

'Ready?' I panted, recieving a slight nod from her. We stayed connected for a few more minutes until it eventually came to an end.

'That was..' She trailed off.

'Amazing.' I finished off. I wrapped the blanket around us and pulled her into my chest.

'I love you.' I mumbled into her hair as we were both nearly asleep.

'I love you too.' She quietly replied, falling asleep in my arms after months of seperation.

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