Chapter Sixteen

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*Bella's POV*

A thousand words were rushing through my mind right at this very moment. It couldn't be him, but it had to be, especially because the other three boys were standing next to him with the same expression on their face as I imagine I had.

Sophia tugged on my shirt, trying to pull me along.

'Bel, what happened to you?' Calum asked quietly.

'My name is Isabella.' I said stubbornly. 'And you tell me.' I whispered, shaking my head. This can't be real.

'Sorry fans but that's a wrap, see you all hopefully at tomorrow nights concert!' Ashton said. The fans quickly left and we continued our conversation.

'Why did you do it?' Calum asked.

'There was nothing else I coud do, you don't understand.' I shook my head.

'You just left, no explanation, no contact info, you didn't say where you were going, you just left us Bel.' He said softly.

'Maybe there was an explanation behind that.' I said and he understood what I meant.

'Can we go somewhere in private?' He asked. I agreed and we headed back to their hotel.

'Why are you here?' He asked as we took a seat on their lounge.

'This is where I live.' I said, looking out of the window to see the city.

'Why here, why Perth?' He asked, and I simply shrugged my shoulders.

'Mummy, who are these people?' Sophia quietly asked, burying her neck into my shoulder shyly.

'These are my friends from a long time ago.' I said.

'And he is your dad.' I said, pointing to Calum. Sophia slowly pulled her neck out of my shoulder to peep at Calum.

'He's daddy?' She asked and I nodded.

*Calum's POV*

I smiled at Sophia as Bella passed her to me.

'Hey baby girl.' I said, rocking her on my knee. She was very shy at first but came out of her shell after a few minutes.

'How's everything with the band going?' Bella asked us.

'Great, we're on tour now.' Ashton smiled. She nodded slightly and kept her eyes plastered on Sophia. The last time I saw them, we were arguing and she told me I couldn't hold Sophia, and I'm sure those memories are rushing through her mind right at the moment.

I handed Sophia to Luke who gladly accepted her, and nodded my head in the direction of my room to Bella. I stood up and she followed me down the short hallway into mine and Luke's room. I quietly closed the door after her and took a seat on the bed. She chose to sit with her legs crossed on the floor, back against the wall.

'You can sit on the bed, you know.' I mumbled. She shook her head gently and folded her arms.

'What happened to us Isabella, what are we?' I sighed loudly.

'I don't know.' She whispered. 'Have you found someone else?' She gulped, her brown eyes meeting mine. I saw pain, anger and sadness in them.

'No, I couldn't. You're my everything.' I said. 'What about you?' I asked, hoping for the same answer as mine. She pondered this for a moment and shook her head.

'No, I haven't found the time, especially with handling Soph all the time.' She sighed, playing with the lace of her shoe.

'What's that meant to mean?' I asked. Is she looking for someone?

'Whatever you want it to mean.' She said, quickly getting off the floor and heading for the door. I jumped off the bed and blocked her way.

'Answer this truthfully.' I said, inhaling a deep breath. 'Do you love me?' I asked. After a few long seconds she finally answered.

'Did I love you? Yes.' She said, not answering my question properly.

'Do you still love me?' I asked, placing a hand against the wall next to her head. Tears started to form in her eyes, and before I knew it, she pushed passed me and ran out of the room.

*Bella's POV*

I scooped Sophia up from the couch, grabbed my handbag, said a quick sorry and goodbye to the boys, and rushed out of the door and down to the elevator.

'Bella! Wait!' Calum called, running down the hallway. I pushed the down button several times before the silver doors finally opened. As the doors were closing, a long arm stopped them from closing fully. Calum jumped in and the doors closed and we descended down to the ground floor.

'Why won't you answer my question?' Calum panted. I ignored him and stared at the pattern on the tiles.

'God dammit Isabella!' He shouted. 'The day you left, we searched everywhere for you. We tried calling you, tweeting you, inboxing you, evrerything we could think of. After it happened, I wasn't the same. I felt sad, angry and empty without you. I didn't understand why you did it. But now I do, and I'm so sorry for not being there with you, and raising our daughter together like we should have. I'm sorry for spending too much time on my music and not my family. I'm sorry for not being the best boyfriend, the best father, the best whatever I was to you. I still love you Bella, I haven't stopped since the day I started. All I need to know is, do you love me back?' He asked. Did I love him back? After everything he done, was I going to take him back?

'I really don't know.' I sighed. 'And I'm sorry.' I finished. As I got out of the elevator, I picked Sophia up and balanced her on my hip. I turned to see Calum staring blankly at the wall, and the doors closed just as he looked up to me. 'What have I got myself into.' I thought.

A few minutes later I arrived back at my apartment and shoved the door open, only to slam it closed a few seconds later. I threw my keys on the marble kitchen bench, sat on the lounge and put my hands on my head.

'Mummy, when can we see daddy next?' Sophia asked.

'I don't know Soph.' I answered truthfully. I don't have their mobile numbers, nor do they have mine. The only way I would be able to contact them would be if I went back to their hotel. Later on that night I tucked Sophia into bed and crawled into mine.

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