Kuroko x Reader - Pocky

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(This is a request from ( @_super_sonico_ _super_sonico_) Hope you enjoy ;)

The pictures do not belong to me!

You walked away from the school that you had just started that day. You had recently moved to Japan to live with your brother and it was just your luck that your boyfriend Mayuzumi attended the school close to you. The unfortunate thing about being so close to Rakuzan High is that it would be a hassle to travel to see your childhood friend Kuroko. You were desperate to see him as the last time you saw him you had a crush on him and you needed to know if you still felt that way. You were also curious of his new friend Kagami Taiga.

A hand placed itself on your shoulder and you jumped about five feet into the air. A low chuckled could be heard from the person behind you. You turned around and saw Mayuzumi smirking slightly. You glared at him but then a slight smile made it's way onto your face. You two had only been dating for two weeks and to your surprise he said he loved you after the first. Luckily he understood that you could not say it back. Although his heart broke, he knew that you needed to see Kuroko so that's what he did. He arranged a meet up with Serin and the rest of the GoM. It wasn't really for you to see Kuroko, he just wanted you to feel welcome, even with rivalling teams.

Mayuzumi took your hand and you both walked to the park that had the meet up was being held but only three people where there. Mayuzumi leaned down to your ear to whisper.

"The blonde one is Kise, the tanned one is Aomine and last is Midorima," You were about to ask about the small pig plush that Midorima was holding but Mayuzumi beat you to it," Midorima has a thing about fate, that's probably his lucky item of the day." You slowly nodded and then ran your fingers through your (H/C) (H/L) hair. Your boyfriend let go of your hand and did the same.

"(L/N)." A familiar voice called out. You whipped around and saw Kuroko walking towards you at a quickened pace with an extremely tall red haired guy behind him. You ran towards Kuroko and launched yourself at him, pulling you both down to the ground.

"I've missed you Tetsuya." You said, smiling. A slight blush made its way onto his face and when you noticed the position you two were in. You kind of threw Kuroko off of you.

"I've missed you too (L/N)." You frowned and then crossed your arms over your chest.

"How many times have I told you to call me (F/N)?"

"Too many." He said, chuckling lightly.

"Wow, somebody actually made Kuroko laugh, I'm impressed." You looked over to the side and saw the red haired guy.

"Are you Kagami Taiga?" You asked curiously. He just nodded, confused as to how you knew his name. "Don't worry, Tetsuya told me about you and I've been waiting to meet you." You took a couple of steps towards him and although you were taller than him you glared up at him.

"What's she doing Kuroko?" Kagami asked.

"You haven't done anything to my precious Tetsuya have you? I will beat you if you have." Kagami shook his head violently, and taking a few steps away from you. You just smiled and walked over to Kuroko and slung one arm around his shoulder.

"Still playing basketball (L/N)?" A different voice asked you. You looked straight a head and you saw the Captian of the GoM, Akashi. You had met him in Australia a couple of months before you moved to Japan. He would frequently be asked by you about Kuroko because they had still kept in touch.

"Of course." You said. You weren't the best player in basketball and you would never be a Miracle but you were one of the few players that still did it because they liked it.

"Nice to see you again." He said, walking towards you with a giant behind him. As soon as he got close enough he ruffled your hair. He knew that annoyed you ad with a sudden burst of confidence you slapped his hand away.

"You know I hate that." You said, a bit angry. He simply nodded.

"Can we play the Pocky Game Aka-chin?" The giant asked.

"Of course. Lets all sit in a circle and just use the bottle that Kise stopped drinking from and spin that to see who will do it with the person who spun the bottle." This was the original way of playing it but you didn't want to get on Akashi's bad side so you decided to play along. You all sat on the grass in a circle with Kuroko to your left and Mayuzumi to your right. Both of your invisible boys by your side. Wait a second. You just called Kuroko yours, you thought to yourself. You were the only girl so you got to start first. You spun the bottle and it landed on Kuroko. You looked at him and he looked you. A smile came across his face. A finger tapped your shoulder and you turned round and saw Mayuzumi holding a pocky stick for you two. He leaned into your ear for the second time.

"I know you like him and I think he likes you. I'm ok with that." A blush rose to your cheeks but then your eyes widened at the words that your ex-boyfriend had just said. You nodded and turned round to Kuroko. You both had the pocky in your mouth and you both started to eat it and when your lips were just about to touch Kuroko put his hand on your cheek gently.

"I love you (F/N)." He said before pulling your lips to his. The pocky was forgotten about and so what the rest of the group. You placed your hands on his cheeks and started to kiss him back with the same amount of power that you were receiving. His tongue slipping into your mouth and you were shocked. You did not expect Kuroko of all people to do that.

After a little make out session you both pulled back and looked into each others eyes. You could still feel the sensation of his lips on yours.

"I love you too." You replied. You could hear the gasps of the group, but one thing in particular stood out to you.

"So, who got the pocky?" The giant asked.

Sorry for any OOC moments with any of them. I tried to make them as realistic as possible.

Sorry for any mistakes.

Request in the comments or PM me :)


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