Kise x Reader - Party

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This a request for _super_sonico_

Hope it was ok for you :)

The pictures do not belong to me!

You stared at the text that you had just received. Your good mood was suddenly gone as your boyfriend of two years told you that his photo shoot was being delayed until the next day. He was supposed to be with you that afternoon but he still had things he had to do so you were left to go to your best friend's birthday party on your own. You looked at the clock and noticed that you should of been getting ready half an hour ago. You almost sprinted to the shower and barely washed your (H/L) hair before jumping out and looking for an outfit.

You wouldn't have Kise to protect you from any unwanted attention so you had to dress more modest than you would normally would for a party. You picked out a knee length flowery dress, a short cardigan and a pair of three inch heels. You looked at yourself in the mirror and sighed at the sight in front of you. Your hair that normally looked nice was now looking like limp spaghetti. You yelped every time you tugged on a knot, Kise was always the one that did your hair for special events. After destroying your hair you put on a bit of mascara, a (F/C) lip gloss, grabbed a shoulder bag and left the house.

When the house of your best friend came into view, you quickened your pace so that you could get out of the cold winter air that hit your face and legs. Probably not the best idea to wear a dress, you thought to yourself. Lots of people were already at the party and as you went into the living room you noticed the pile of presents in the corner. The day before you had given (Best Friend's Name) her present, a bit of money and a pretty heart necklace with your names engraved into it. You looked around the house for (B/F/N) when you eventually found her.

"How are you enjoying the party?" She asked you, flipping her (H/L) (H/C) hair over her shoulder effortlessly.

"Well I only just got here but it looks like fun. I won't be staying for too long though." You replied, playing with the hem of your cardigan.

"Why not?"

"Kise isn't here and no offense to your party because it seems like a lot of fun but you know I don't enjoy it if he isn't here." (B/F/N) nodded but then a confused expression crossed her face.

"What about all his fans? They always surround him, especially at parties yet you still want him here."

"I understand that he has fans because he's a model and a member of the Generations of Miracles. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to be his girlfriend." Your best friend just nodded and then turned away. You didn't really think you were being rude, but where you? You walked around her house, this was only the second time you had ever been to hers yet she had been to yours plenty of times. You faintly heard the sound of your phone ringing and of course you wanted peace of and quiet so you looked around for an empty room. Every room had couples making out or people throwing up so you refused to take a phone call in there. After losing hope that you would actually find a room, you opened a room and noticed that it was empty. The bathroom probably wasn't one of the nicest places to talk to someone but at least it was quiet. You accepted the phone call without even bothering to look at the caller I.D.

"Hello?" You answered. You heard a sigh of relief.

"You took a while to reply. Are you ok? Are you hurt? Do I need to get Aomine to come and check up on you until I get back?" You groaned at the desperate voice of Kise. Also at the idea of being dragged out of the party by Aomine.

"I'm fine Kise, honestly. I needed to find a quiet place to talk to you." You replied honestly. You leaned against the door and flinched when you heard the sound of throwing up from the next to you.

"What was that (L/N)cchi? Who is throwing up and why are they in our house?" Kise asked, getting slightly annoyed at not being told any of this.

"It's not in our house don't worry. I'm at (B/F/N)'s birthday party that you said you would come to. I wanted to do something while you were away so I decided to come to the party." I heard a gasp from the other end of the call.

"Why would you go there alone? That's dangerous." You sighed and then nodded but then laughed a bit when you realised he couldn't see you. The bathroom door opened and in came a drunken Hanamiya Makoto. You hated him so much because of what he did to Kiyoshi Teppei's knee and also the way he violently played basketball.

"I got to go babe." You said urgently and then hung up before another word was uttered. Makoto looked towards you and a sadistic smile came onto his face and he walked towards you. You took a few steps back and it seemed to amuse him when your back was pressed against the counter. This was it, you had been saving it for Kise but that obviously wasn't going to happen. Makoto's arms pressed on the mirror behind you to cage you in. You tried to get away but that never worked.

"Let me go." You said.

"Why would I do that? I'm having way too much fun with you and I haven't even begun." Tears started to slip out of your eyes and you cringed when he started to lean towards you. Just as his lips were about to touch yours the door burst open and in came Aomine with an angry look on his face. He yanked Makoto off of you and punched him in the face. After Aomine, Kise walked in. You launched yourself at him and his arms automatically wrapped around your body.

"Are you ok?" Kise asked. You nodded and sniffed a couple of times. Kise thanked Aomine and then picked you up bridal style. You both left the party and went back home. As soon as you entered the house, you were placed on the floor and a very passionate kiss was placed on your lips as your boyfriend started to undress you.

Sorry no lemon xD

I really enjoyed writing that one :)

Hope you like it.

Sorry if he's OOC and if it kinda sucked!


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