Male!Riko x Reader - Coach Confession

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Picture doesn't belong to me!

Best friend's name = (B/F/N)
Girl's name = (G/N)

You sat on the bench and took a swig of your water while you looked at your Coach, Riko Aida. He wasn't tall but he wasn't small, around about 5"6, average for his age. He stood with a clipboard in his hands and a whistle around his neck.

"You're going to have to stop staring at him in practice. He's going to realise soon." Your best friend, (B/F/N), said walked over to you with a towel wrapped around her neck. Your face flared up once you realised what she had said.

"I'm not staring, I'm just admiring. You've got to admit, he's attractive isn't he?" You asked and (B/F/N)'s eyes widened.

"Who's so attractive that you're not back on that court (L/N)?" A voice asked and when you turned round you saw Coach Riko. A dark aura surround him and he hit you over the head with his clipboard.

"Ouch!" You whined, holding your head.

"I don't care if that hurt, now stop gossiping and get back on the court to practice." Riko growled. You sighed and then put your bottle back down onto the bench. You walked into the court but stopped at the Coach.

"I'll show you that I deserved that break." You whispered before walking past the white lines on the court. You got thrown the ball and almost instantly you felt the adrenaline run through your veins.

"(B/F/N), pair up with (G/N) and you'll play a 2 v 2  against (L/N) and (G/N2). First pair to get to 3. Let's have a clean practice ladies." Coach Riko yelled from the sidelines. You went to the centre and so did (B/F/N). She was easily taller than you. (B/F/N) stood at 6"3 so she towered over you. Coach Riko threw the ball up and even though you jumped,it wouldn't of made a different as your opponent easily got it. It got passed around a few time, (G/N2) trying to intercept the pass. You sprinted at full speed to get to the pass and somehow managed to get the ball. You were not way in hell going to be able to dunk but you had a plan that allowed you to do so. You slowly started dribbling it down the length of the court. (B/F/N) ran towards you and you bounced the ball in between your legs before passing it to (G/N2). You managed to get away from (B/F/N)'s screen and got the ball passed to you and you shot it out of your hands and it smoothly went into the basket.

It was 4-4 and you were in the possession of the ball. You had (B/F/N) screening you and (G/N) screening your partner. You continued to dribble the ball, moving it away whenever your screen tried to get it.

"I don't like sharing, but I hate losing even more." You said before spinning around  with such speed your opponent stood in shock. You nodded to (G/N2) as you passed the half way mark. (G/N2) got down on her hands and knees, one leg ready to spin into action. (B/F/N) wasn't fast enough and neither was her teammate. You jumped onto (G/N2)'s back and as she stood up you sprung into the air. Your hand slammed the ball into the basket and you gripped onto the hoop.

"How did you do that?" (B/F/N) shouted and you just winked. You were currently hanging off the hoop, not wanting to let go and fall. You didn't want to hurt yourself. Maybe a simple shot would've been easier, you thought to yourself.

"Can somebody help me please?" You yelled, the sweat on your hands making the hoop harder to grip. You were going to fall, you knew that much.

"Just let go." (G/N2) said from the bench and you shook your head frantically.

"Nothing's going to happen, I'll catch you (L/N)." Coach Riko said from below you, his arms outstretched.

"I'm going to get hurt." You said stubbornly.

"I'll tell a certain somebody a certain secret if you don't let go." Your eyes widened. Would she really tell Coach Riko that you liked him? You didn't have a choice before you hands slipped so much that you fell. You expected to hit the ground so you closed your eyes. Instead you landed in a pair of arms and the person let out an 'oof' before both of you collapsed. You felt the person underneath you and they let out a gasp as they hit the ground. You opened your eyes and noticed your head was on a chest and it wasn't a girls. You looked up and blood rushed to your face when you saw your Coach lying on the ground with his arms around your waist with a pained expression on his face. You sat up instantly and gasped. You had just injured your Coach.

"Practice is over. Go get changed." Riko yelled in a strained voice and instantly  the girls started running out of the gym. You went to go stand up but Coach Riko's hands were placed firmly on your hips so you couldn't go anywhere. You were straddling your Coach and you didn't know what to do in a situation like that.

"I'm sorry Coach. I didn't think I would've hurt you." You said sadly, lowering your head. A hand was placed on your cheek and you looked up to see Coach Riko with a blush on his face as he lowered his head. His face was so close when you grabbed the shirt that he wore and pulled him closer, closing the gap. Your lips touched and your hands clasped behind his neck, as if to become one. Both of you smiled into the kiss and out of instinct you grinded against him slightly making the male groan. You broke apart after you realised what you had just done. Your face turned bright red and stood up, pulling Coach Riko with you.

"I want to kiss you again..." Coach said, leaning down slightly.

"Coach-" Your sentence was cut off with the male laughing.

"I thought after what just happened that you would've called me Aida." He said, letting out a soft chuckle after he finished.

"Sorry Aida."

"It's ok (F/N), now let me kiss you and show you that I love you." Aida said, leaning down and capturing your lips for a second time.

Hello my wonderful readers!

Was that any good?

Sorry for any mistakes!

Sorry for OOC! :)


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