Aomine x Reader - Protective

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Picture doesn't belong to me!

F/M = favourite movie
B/N = boy name

Slight swearing!

You hadn't really put in any effort for that night, but why should you? You and Aomine, best friends since you were five, we're having a movie night like you did every Saturday. You stood in the kitchen in a pair of leggings and an oversized jumper, making popcorn for the two of you. It was nine o'clock and you were still waiting for Aomine to arrive, as he was supposed to be at your half an hour ago.

You say the bowl of popcorn on the table and then went to get drinks when there was a knock at the front door. You walked over and saw Aomine with a small smile on his face and a pack of Pepsi to drink. You smiled back and took the drinks as he instantly made himself at home on your sofa. You placed the Pepsi on the kitchen counter and then opened it. You grabbed two drinks and then walked back through to the living room. Aomine was already flicking through the movies as you sat down. He decided that he was going to watch (F/M).

"Thanks for letting me help pick." You said sarcastically. Aomine just shrugged.

"You like all these types of things though." He said, his eyes still on the screen.

"Yes I know that but still you're only watching it for the big boobs." You said sulking. It really upset you that all Aomine ever thought about was basketball and girls with big boobs. You had secretly liked him for about two years but of course you would never admit that. Aomine seemed to show no interest in you in a romantic way yet he as extremely protective of you. If a guy decided to try and make a move he would get punched or kicked. You would always try and turn the guys down nicely but Aomine just wanted to use violence. You had watched the movie about a million times you honestly couldn't care less. By the first 20 minutes Aomine had finished all the popcorn by himself and gone through a bottle of Pepsi. You had only finished half your bottle of Pepsi but you weren't really thirsty.

"So, (F/N), has (B/N) asked you out yet?" Aomine randomly asked you. You almost spat out the Pepsi that you were drinking.

"What do you mean Aomine?" You asked.

"He obviously likes you. Everybody has the seen the way he looks at you, apart from you."

"I doubt that Aomine and if he did ask me out I would have to decline." His eyes widened as if he was expecting that.

"What? Why?" He asked after gaining him composure.

"I like someone." You said vaguely, shrugging as if it was nothing.

"Wha-" The doorbell rang, stopping him mid sentence. You gave him a small apologetic smile before getting up and walking to the door. When you opened the door you were surprised to find (B/N), standing with his arms behind his back.

"Oh hey (B/N). What are you doing here at this time?" You asked. His cheeks turned slightly red and he then brought a bouquet of red roses from behind his back and your hands flew to your mouth in shock.

"I came to ask you out (F/N)." He said and you internally frowned. Why at this late time?

"As in a date or to be your girlfriend?" You asked.

"Both." He said before taking a few steps towards you so that there was only a small amount of space between you two.

"I'm sorry (B/N) but I'm going to have to decline your offer on both though. I like somebody else, I'm really sorry though." You said.

"Who is it? Who is the guy that you like? Tell me." He said before pushing you until your back hit the wall behind you.

"(B/N) stop it." You said, shaking slightly. Aomine was in the other room but you would never be able to shout on him without a fight happening.

"Why should I (L/N)? I get what I want and I sure as hell want you." You were on the edge of bursting into tears you were so scared.

"Aomi-" (B/N)'s lips crashed into yours, stopping your cry for help. You slammed your hands into his chest, trying to get away from the psychopath.  His tongue forced its way into your mouth and tears streamed down your face. You heard footsteps coming through from the livingroom.

"Who's at the do-, what the fuck is going on here?" Aomine's angry voice called and you could feel (B/N) smirk against your lips so you bit down hard on his tongue. His pulled back and as he did he took a couple of steps from you, then frowned. He raised his hand to hit you but you continued to look at him as he brought his hand down. The impact never came because Aomine had got I between you two and his hand was holding (B/N)'s wrist. Your body was pressed even closer to the wall because Aomine's body was against yours.

"Don't fucking touch a girl like that." Aomine growled.

"What are you going to do mate?" (B/N) asked with a full blown smirk on his face. Aomine raised his hand and ten punched him in the face. (B/N) fell down like a bag of bricks but quickly got up.

"I wouldn't do anything if I were you (B/N), I'm really pissed off with you." Aomine said and that had (B/N) literally running out the door. Aomine turned round and then hugged you tightly.

"What's this for?" You asked him.

"I don't like the way he was touching you. As if you were his girlfriend." He growled.

"Is someone jealous?" You asked and surprisingly Aomine nodded.

"(F/N), I love you and always have but you like someone el-" His sentence was interrupted but your laugh.

"The person that I like is you, you blue-haired potato." You said, continuing to laugh. His eyes widened.

"Did you just call me a potato? Potatoes are fat and lumpy which I am not, but I think you need so convincing." He said with a smirk.

"W-what do you mean?" You stuttered and blush turned your entire face bright red like a tomato as Aomine lifted his shirt up and threw it over to the side. His abs were perfectly shaped and you could imagine running your fingers over them. He walked over to you, wrapped his arms around your waist and then leaned down to your ear.

"Having dirty thoughts already and we haven't even got into bed yet."

No lemon mwahahahaha!!!

Hello my wonderful readers!

Hope you enjoy!

Sorry for any mistakes.

Sorry if he's OOC :)

Request in the comments or PM me :)


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