Kiyoshi x Reader - Silly Challenge

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Picture doesn't belong to me!

I'm sorry if this doesn't sound anything like you but it's for the sake of a one shot XD

You were avoided by the majority of the school's population as you passed through the halls. A sigh left your voice as you made your way to your only club. The sky was grey but that might've just been the results of you wearing sunglasses to hid your eyes from the lights. You opened the door of the gym and your mouth dropped. Inside was the school's basketball team, your club nowhere to be seen. This was your usual practicing space but you couldn't find a single one of your teammates. A tall brown haired guy came over to you with a smile on his face. He looked over your appearance, the smile never leaving his face. You quickly recognized him as Kiyoshi Teppei, the guy you had a crush on.

"Hi, how can I help you?" He asked, sounding slightly like somebody that works at a restaurant. You weren't even  used to the people that worked at restaurants being this nice to you.

"Well my club normally practices here but you guys seem to be here." You replied. A look of confusion passed his features before it cleared.

"Oh yes, the tennis club?" He asked and you nodded,"They said they needed the other hall for a game or that  so we let them have that and we came here." You nodded, wondering why nobody had told you, but then you remembered how scared they were of you.

"Thank you." You said an you were just about to turn away before somehow your sunglasses were pulled off your face,"Oi, give it back." You turned your head slightly to see another tall guy but this one was wearing glasses.

"It's rude to wear sunglasses inside." The guy said.

"Hyuuga don't be mean. She obviously had a reason for wearing them." Kiyoshi said to the second.

"Oh shush Kiyoshi, it's rude either way." Hyuuga said to Kiyoshi. Knowing names was so much easier.

"Pay attention here you freakish giants. Give me my sunglasses and I'll leave." You said, glaring at Hyuuga. Hyuuga's eyes widened and then smirked before lifting your glasses further up.

"You're glare is scary and for glaring at your senpai I won't let you have them." He said, you looked at him once again before sighing and putting down your bag.

"Look Hyuuga-senpai has some girl pissed off." A new voice said. Hyuuga started  flipping your glasses high into the air so it wouldn't be possible for you to get them back but you would show them. You bent down and jumped, grabbing the sunglasses out of his hands before landing.

"That was insane! I bet she could dunk!" The previous voice had said, you looked over and saw a tall red-headed guy.

"I don't want to intrude." You said but a hand grabbed your arm before you could leave. You looked up and saw Kiyoshi.

"Don't leave. Stay a bit, I can teach you how to shoot and the basic rules." You nodded refusing to say that you already knew how to shoot and all the rules.

"She knows how to play, don't you (F/N)?" A girly voice said. You saw Riko standing with a clipboard and a smirk on her  face.

"Of course I do." You replied with a smirk of your own.

You somehow ended up being challenged to a one-on-one with the guy known as Kiyoshi. He was intimidating that was for sure but you couldn't back down.

"Go a bit easy on her Kiyoshi!" Hyuuga yelled from the sides. You turned and glared at the guy.

"Don't you dare go easy." You said.

"Wouldn't think of it (F/N)." The game started and Kiyoshi was dribbling towards to basket quite quickly but you easily caught up to him, holding your arms wide to try to stop him getting past. Unfortunately he got passed but when he went to shoot you jumped and slammed it down like a volleyball spike. Kiyoshi took the ball from the side and started dribbling it. You stole the ball and quickly made a break for your side of the court. Kiyoshi caught up when you eased off the speed and stood in front of you like you had done to him. You were close enough so you jumped your highest and slammed the ball into the basket. You were moving  to close and next thing you knew, you had hit the rim and fallen on your back. The wind had been knocked out of your body and you just groaned.

"Deja vu!" The whole basketball team thought, looking towards Kagami. A shadow loomed over your body and when your eyes focused you saw Kiyoshi.

"Are you ok?" He asked with a very worried expression on his face.

"Yes but I think I just have to lie here for a bit." You said, wheezing slightly.

"I'm glad you're ok. I don't know what I'd do if the girl I liked got injured because of me. Like I know it's my fault. I was the one that was that challenged you. Well technically Hyuuga and Riko do-" You grabbed his face and pulled it towards you so there was only a couple of cm's between the two of you.

"Did you just say you liked me?" You asked, unsure if you had heard him right. He nodded his head slowly, blushing slightly.

"Yes I do (F/N), I've liked you for a while now. I didn't want to say anything in case you didn't like me back. That would've been embarrassing if you didn't like me back." He whispered, his hot breath fanning your lips. Your eyes flicked to his lips and you noticed him doing the exact same. You both leaned in and he pecked your lips. He was just about to pull back but you pulled him down harshly and your lips crashed together. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his around your waist, with one hand on the floor to make sure you both didn't topple over. You didn't get too passionate before you pulled back, your cheeks bright red. You were both panting ever so slightly.

"I'm glad that you like me back." You said before kissing his lips again lightly.

Hello my wonderful readers!

These one-shots are almost over!!

Only another one to go...

Hope you enjoyed it!

Sorry for any mistakes!

Sorry for OOC :D


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