Kise x Reader - Models

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Picture doesn't belong to me!

Pretend in the picture that he's wearing the colours that are in the fanfic. :)

"Ok put your hand on your hip and rotate your upper body slightly (F/N)." The photographer said with a small smile on his face.

"Ok, like this?" You asked, doing the pose that you were instructed to do.

"Perfect now pout a little." You did and he then snapped the picture.

"Great," he turned to his assistants, "Now bring out my male model." He yelled. The assistants rushed away and then came back with a blonde haired boy with a pretty smile. He was smiling at all the girls that he past and they all squealed. He was attractive for sure but you didn't want him to get cocky because of it. He walked towards you and as he did both of you looked each other up and down. You were both wearing glamorous outfits. Your (F/C) one shouldered lace dress touched your ankles as they showed the pretty black heels that you wore. The male model wore a white, and black tux, the tie being black with the shirt a dark grey colour and the jacket being white. The trousers were white as well and shoes were black. While your hair was pulled back with a hair clip, his was gelled back with a few bits falling next to his face.

"I'm Kise Routa." He said, holding his hand out for you to shake. You placed your hand in his and shook it.

"(L/N) (F/N)." You replied.

"Ok enough with the introductions, we only have half an hour to get seven pictures to the editor." The photographer shouted at us. For twenty five minutes the photographer gave you two instructions on how to pose and you got six pictures but both of you were having problems with the seventh one. The photographer wanted both of you to look cute and for Kise to kiss you on the cheek. You didn't want to cause trouble but you had just met the guy and you didn't want him kissing you.

"We shouldn't have to should we?" Kise asked.

"Of course not but you're models and you accepted the job so you should've been open to it." The photographer said, getting slightly annoyed at how much time we were wasting arguing about it. You had just learned that the photographers name was Paul because you heard a few people shouting his name.

"Fine, I'll do it." You said, sighing. It's not like it was a kiss on the lips, just on the cheek. The photographer had a huge smile on his face but Kise remained emotionless.

"Kise I need to speak with you in private." Paul said, as both of them walked to the side of the set. Makeup artists came rushing over to you to touch up on your makeup but you weren't really paying attention because a certain blond was. He was nodding and smiling slightly. When they both came back over Kise walked over to you and put his arm around you. Paul told you both the smile.

"Don't worry I don't have to kiss you." Kise said and your heartbeat slowed down. You both smiled and then he put his arm around you like was instructed.

"That's great,stay like that." Kise turned his head and kissed your head. The picture was quickly snapped and as soon as it was you freaked out. You threw his arm off of you and then stormed away. You got changed out of your dress and threw on your casual clothes and put the dress over to the side before rushing out with your bag over your shoulder. You didn't even hear the calls of anybody else as you left.

It had been less than a week after the incident with Kise happened. Your parents had decided that you were going to go to an actual school and not be homeschooled. You got out of the car that your driver, Davey drove to get you to school. A lot of eyes were on you but you were used to it. You got your bag and then walked down the stretch that lead to the school. You heard the whispers of people as you passed.

"Isn't that the model that got to stand next to Kise?"

"She's so lucky."

"She must be a talented actress or model to be able to blush on sight."

"Yea I agree." You ignored them all and just continued to walk.

"(L/N)cchi!" A familiar voice yelled. You turned round and saw Kise running towards you. After he got to you he smiled and pulled you in for a hug. Pictures were taken, girls squealed in delight or just glared. Everybody crowded around you two, the majority asking if you two went out.

"Yes we are in a loving relationship." Kise replied to their questions with a smile with you just stood their,mouth agape. You couldn't believe what had just been said by the blonde haired boy.  The bell rang and you grabbed him hand and pulled him away from the group of people and behind a tree. You shoved him against the tree with a frown on our face.

"Why did you lie to them and say that we're in a relationship?" You asked.

"We would've had a lot of questions if we had told them that we didn't go out. They wouldn't of believed us," Kise replied with a smirk, "Maybe even because I like you and want us to go out." Your mouth fell agape and a gentle finger pushed your mouth closed.

"You'll catch flies love." You slapped his arm playfully and then wrapped your arms around his waist and out your head on his chest. He was so warm and it felt nice to you. You had never experience warmth like that before.

"Why?" You asked vaguely.

"Why what?"

"Why do you like me?"

"When I saw you in that dress you looked like a goddess, but not the stereotypical goddess. You smiled when you introduced yourself and when you smiled your eyes brightened. Basically it was like you were the light to my shadow." He said and you smiled, wiping a few leftover tears from your eyes.

Kise lifted up your chin and bent down slightly to kiss your lips. After your lips touched you both melted into each other like ice cream on a hot day.

Hello my wonderful readers!

Thank you for everybody that has been reading and if you read this, type "Kise is bae" in the comments and I will dedicate the next chapter to you.

Hope you enjoy!

Sorry for any mistakes.

Sorry if he's OOC :)

Remember you can always request in the comments or PM me :)


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