Akashi x Reader - Fight and Make Up

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Picture doesn't belong to me!

When I looked at the reads the majority of them were for Akashi or Aomine so I decided to do Akashi. I have something else planned to make sure nobody gets bored!

Almost every night you and your boyfriend, Akashi, had been fighting. It wasn't a few nasty words here and there, it was a full blown screaming fit. Both of you would be screaming and then swearing and you would turn round and leave, no matter the time of day. This is the last time I let him yell at me, you thought to yourself.

You were supposed to be spending the night at his like you did every other weekend but after the fight, you picked up your bag and left. You sighed and pulled your backpack off your shoulders before sitting down on the swing. Only you and Murasakibara knew about the small park that was about twenty minutes from your house.  Whenever you and Akashi got into a fight, you would always call the purple giant and he would come and meet you.  You pulled your phone out of your bag and dialled the number before holding it to your ear.

"Hello?" A deep voice asked.

"Mura, I was wondering if you could come see me. Akashi and I got in another argument." You spoke, trying not to cry.

"Ok, I'll be sweets." He said before hanging up.  You smiled sadly. How long were your feelings for him going to last for? The fighting had broken up the feelings you felt towards him yet he still claimed to love you. You just weren't sure any more. You sat quietly on the swinging, moving forwards and backwards barely.

"(F/N)cchi!" A voice yelled. Your turned your head and saw a rainbow walking towards you, more importantly, the GoM. You smiled at the blonde that had yelled your name. You didn't hear them, how long had you sat there thinking? You stood up and walked to Kise but the closer you got, the more overwhelming the emotions got. With every step you were closer to tears and by the time you were in front of him, tears were streaming down your face. You wrapped your arms around him and he was quick to respond, stroking your hair as a means of comfort. You just cried and cried.

"We've been fighting a lot more often lately, it always ends the same. He doesn't love me anymore....He says he does but I know he hates me." You cried, making Kise's shirt wet.

"It's ok. We all know he's just not ok with emotions. He loves you, ok? Don't ever forget that. I have no idea what you two keep fighting about but everything will be ok." He said. Both of you pulled away and the model ruffled your hair.

"After all this you're cheating on me with my former teammate?" A new voice asked in shock. You all turned your head and saw Akashi with wide eyes and a frown. You weren't cheating on him though.

"I'm no-"

"I don't want to here it. If you were going to cheat, do it with someone decent." He said, before slowly stalking towards you and Kise. He pulled his arm back and then punched the model in the face, making him collapse onto the grass. Kise quickly gets up and just as Akashi was about to punch the blonde again, you stepped in before his hand to reach any further. Akashi's hand instantly stopped, noticing that you were in front and he didn't want to injure you. The red head, wrapped his arms around your body, crushing you to his chest.

"Don't leave me for anybody," He voice whispered into your ear, "I love you more than anybody else could."

"I thought you hated me." You said pulling your head back slightly to look into his eyes. He shook his head and then smiled.

"I love you. I could never hate you." He said.

"I love you too." You replied. Akashi gently put both his hands onto your cheeks and brought both of your lips together. You hands rested on his hips, not sure where to put them as he started to use a lot more force. His tongue slowly slipped into your mouth, and you were so used to it that you pressed yourself closer to him. A loud cough broke you two apart. When you turned around, you saw the GoM all blushing as they had just watched the scene unfold in front of them.  Your face turned bright red and you apologized.

"No need to apologize," Kise said, "I'm just glad to see that you two are fine. You promise not to fight again? I really don't feel like getting punched again." He smiled. You could already see the start of a bruise starting.

"I promise," Akashi said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, "Sorry for punching you." Kise just waved it off as if it was no big deal but we all knew that he was going to get in trouble at the photo shoot he had.

"It's fine, honestly. As long as you too are good then I don't mind being punched," He went silent for a second but then his eyes widened, "That doesn't mean you can punch me whenever you like." Akashi nodded. He grabbed your hand before turning to the rest of the GoM.

"Thank you for coming to see (F/N) when I was a rubbish boyfriend." Akashi said before bowing and then quickly straightening up. You nodded your head before picking up your bag and then leaving with your boyfriend.

You were both silent as you walked back to his place. As he saw his house and Akashi started to quickly walk towards it. In confusion, you followed him. He opened the door and pulled you inside, making you drop your bag. The door was shut and locked. He leaned down to your ear and chuckled quietly.

"My father's out of town. So that means we don't have to be quiet." When he pulled back you were blushing and he just smirked.  His fingers pulled the zip of your jacket off and slid it over your shoulders. Next was the cardigan that you wore. His warm hands gently touched your arms. You only stood in a (F/C) top and a pair of leggings.

Your hands started to unbutton the top that he wore and pulled it off, but not before throwing it to the side. Akashi slipped his shoes off and then started to unzip his trousers before you stopped him.

"This isn't out of pity, is it?" You asked sadly, thinking that maybe it was. He looked up and then smiled.

"Never, this is out of love." He whispered as his face was only an inch away from yours. His teeth pulled at your bottom lip yet it wasn't a kiss. He smirked and a small laugh could be heard for the second time. His lips crashed against yours while trying to guide the two of you to his bedroom while falling.

Lets just say that you successfully made it to the bed.

Hello my wonderful readers!

Was that any good?

Sorry for any mistakes!

Sorry for OOC! :)

Akashi is so awesome!


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