Midorima x Reader - Returned Feelings

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Picture doesn't belong to me!

You sighed as you stood at the entrance of the gym, admiring Midorima and Takao practicing. They were both so amazing you didn't know which one to watch. As they practiced you noticed that they had had sweat dripping off of them. You just realised that they were really close, considering that Midorima was trying not to smile while being around Takao. You were always convinced that they fancied each other but Takao was 100% sure that they weren't because apparently he fancied you. Of course you didn't believe him.

"Hey (L/N)!" Takao shouted from the court and when everybody turned to see you a blush rise to your cheeks.

"Hi Takao. How are you?" You asked politely and watched into the gym and towards the court. Takao walked over to you and both of you high fived each other while you handed him a bottle of water.

"W-where's my water nanodoyo?" Midorima asked and then when you throw it surprisingly he didn't catch it. Both of them downed it all in one and after the coach declared it the end of practice they all went to shower and you were left alone.

After they all came out with their bags slung over their shoulder, they said goodbye to you and then left. Last out was Midorima and Takao and they were talking in very hushed voices. You strained your ears to hear them but sadly you had no luck. You could see that as he was walking Midorima was trying to tape his fingers up again but he was having no luck and neither was Takao. It seemed that they were both getting really annoyed with that so you walked over to them.

"Um...Midorima, d-do you need h-help with t-the tape?" You asked and he nodded slowly. Takao said he had to go and help out at home so that left you two alone. You both sat on a bench outside, just outside of school property and yet Midorima touched nothing in case something happened to his fingers.

You took the tape from his hand and took the edge of it to start it off. You gently held his hand at the palm and you gently wrapped the tape around them, making sure not to tighten it too much. After you had finished taping all of his fingers he placed his cold hand on top of yours. This caused your body to shiver as you realised how cold it really was.

"T-thank you nanodayo." He said,his cheeks turned a light shade of pink and you had no idea why.

A piece of hair fell in front of your eyes but before you could push it away, Midorima did. His fingers brushed the side of your face to push away the (H/C) (H/L) piece of hair. He looked straight into your (E/C) eyes and when you tried to pull away he kept a hold on your hand to stop you.

"What's the meaning of this Midorima?" You asked, sitting more comfortably then before.

"Um....I.....no that's not right,how do I say this?"He said, speaking to himself.

"Just spit it out you carrot!" You said in a raised voice, you were wondering what he was trying to tell you.

"I like you a lot!" He yelled and then his eyes widened as he realised what he had said. You smiled and then looked down at your hands.

"So Takao was right huh?" You said.

"W-what d-do you mean Takao was right?"

"He told me you liked me but I didn't believe him. Don't worry, I like you as well you fabulous carrot." You ruffled his green hair and he glared at you slightly but in a playful way.

"I'm not a carrot nanodayo." He said.

"Sure." You said, dragging out the word. Midorima stood up and then held out his hand to help you up which you took gratefully. When you were both standing up you kept a hold of his hand.

"Walk me home?" You asked, batting your eyelashes slightly. His entire face turned bright red.

"Ok but it's not like I going to like it."  You smiled, your carrot. Wait, you were already calling him yours and you only confessed to liking him.

As you watched back to your house hand-in-hand you found out that Midorima only lived a few houses down from yours. You smiled as you got to know him even more than you already did. He told you how he met Takao and how annoying he was at first. By the end of the walk to your house, Midorima had loosened up and seemed a lot more comfortable with being around you. You let go of his hand and turned to face him at the entrance to your house.

"Thank you for walking me Midorima." You said and bowed slightly. When you stood up straight you saw a small smile on his face.

"I-it's fine (L/N)." You sighed and then took a step towards him.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me by my first name?"

"At least once more (L/N)." He said confidently. You smiled and then pulled him into a hug. His arms wrapped around you body hesitantly.

"I guess it can't be helped then." You felt him brush his lips near your ear.

"You are the reason I follow fate." He said quietly before releasing you from the hug. You raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Everything that Oha Asa said about my lucky item you had on you. You are the fate I follow (L/N)." Midorima said and your eyes widened. You were really surprised that something like that would come out of his mouth as he was the type of person to say something so romantic.

"I love you." You said and then grabbed the collar of his shirt with one hand and pulled his lips to yours. He clearly wasn't expecting it because he didn't respond. You pulled back and then tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.


"It's rude not to respond to a kiss Midorima." You said before winking.

"I didn't enjoy it or anything nanodayo," He sighed before saying, "Screw it." His lips crushed against yours and his arms wrapped around your waist while your arms snaked up around his neck.

"I love you too." He finally got to say before you dragged him inside your house.

Hello my wonderful readers!

Aww you're Midorima's reason for following fate.

Sorry if his tsundere ness isn't showing as much as it should.

Hope you enjoy!

Sorry for any mistakes.

Sorry if he's OOC :)

Request in the comments or PM me :)


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