Kagami x Reader - The Best

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The pictures do not belong to me!

You stood in the crowd at the very front as you watched the basketball game being played. Your boyfriend Kagami Taiga had his hands on his knees, panting. It was the second Winter Cup that Kagami and Kuroko had gone to and for the second time they faced Rakuzan. This time was different, Seirin were losing really badly. There was a forty point difference. The entire Seirin team had been called for a time out by Riko and they all looked really upset. Anybody could see that Riko was trying and failing to give them all spirit, so you did the only thing you could think of. You took a deep breath and then stood up.
"Come on Kagami, you said you wanted to be the best in Japan. Don't give up Seirin because you've beaten them before." You yelled and when Kagami looked over at you a huge smile broke out on his face. He gave you a thumbs up and then turned round to talk to Seirin, some of which were asking who you were. When they were on the court you cheered and screamed every time they scored a basket. There was five seconds left and Rakuzan were in the lead, this was it. Kagami looked quite sad as he probably thought he was going to lose because he couldn't get from one side of the court to the other. Kuroko had the ball but you still thought it necessary to cheer your boyfriend on.
"Go Kagami Taiga!" You screamed and you noticed a small smile make its way on our boyfriends face. He wiped his face with the top of his shirt before sprinting towards the other side of the court. Your eyes made their way to Kuroko as he spun in a circle and hurled the ball upwards and towards the other side of the court. Akashi was ready so he jumped but he was no match for Kagami's jump. Kagami jumped from the free throw line and just when it got slightly in front of his hand, he slammed it down into the net. That was the famous Meteor Jam and you were impressed to say the least. The end of the game was signalled by the buzzer going off. Kagami and Kuroko were drowned in the attention of their teammates. For the second time they had won against the Emperor. You walked down the stairs happily and you faintly heard the sound of someone speaking in the microphone declaring Seirin the winner. You knew that Seirin was going to be outside talking so you went outside. Kagami's back was to the door so he didn't see you. His teammates saw you but they quickly looked away when you put a finger to your lips. You sprinted over to Kagami, your footsteps surprisingly light and jumped on his back. He gave out a not so manly scream but calmed down when you ruffled his hair.
"Oh it's just you (F/N)." He said after realising that it was you. You got off it back and then went round to the front so you could face him. You ran your fingers through your (H/L) (H/C) hair and then pouted.
"What's that supposed to mean?" you asked. After noticing what he had said he was full of apologises saying that he didn't mean it in a mean way. You giggled at his silliness but then
stopped once you felt someone's arm around your shoulder. That arm belonged to someone that wasn't Kagami. You looked up and saw Kiyoshi Teppei, looking down at you and giving you a genuine smile and then back to Kagami.
"Where have you been hiding her? She's so cute. I can't believe you never told us about her." You looked at Kagami and he then gave a guilty smile. It only took a few seconds for Kagami to start glaring at Kiyoshi because his arm was around you. Kagami may not of seemed like it but he was extremely protective. A dark aura surrounding Kagami but Kiyoshi didn't get the hint. You moved out from the grip that you were held in and then walked over to Kagami. He was taller than you by a bit so you cupped his cheeks,stood on your tiptoes and slowly leaned in. Your lips brushed together before Kagami got impatient and smashed your lips together. You and Kagami both heard a few 'aww' from behind but you weren't that bothered because you had blocked out the outside world. You tugged on your boyfriend's shirt so that you could both come up for air. You were both panting and red in the face but you grabbed his hand.
"Let's go back to my place and we can watch a movie to celebrate." Kagami nodded and then told the rest of his team that you were leaving.
As you two walked to your small apartment you just listened while Kagami went on and on about the game and how it would have its effects in the moring. As you walked down the little path that went straight to your front door, Kagami pulled off your (F/C) sweater off.
"W-why did you do that?" You asked, blushing when he took off his own shirt to reveal his abs.
"I'm sorry I just couldn't wait to get inside." You were extremely confused but then it hit you what he meant and what he was doing. When you got inside, you dropped your bag on the floor and then turned to Kagami. You both slowly advanced to each other. As soon as you were close enough he bent down and whispered in your ear.
"I need a prize for winning today you know?" He asked and you nodded quickly. A smirk spread across Kagami's face while he plucked every piece of clothing off painfully slow and then his own. You weren't complaining obviously because he had a nice looking body but one thing came to mind. You were going to be hurting for about a week after he would be finished with you.

No lemon!! MWAHAHAHA!

Jks. Hope you enjoyed it. Sorry if it's a bit rubbish. I wanted to write a Kagami one but because t wasn't a request I didn't know what to do.

Sorry for any OOC moments with any of them. I tried to make them as realistic as possible.

Sorry for any mistakes.

Request in the comments or PM me :)


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