Aomine x Reader - Horrible Advice

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Picture doesn't belong to me!

Boy's name = (B/N)

Lately you had been feeling as if your boyfriend,Aomine was even interested in you at all. Sometimes you thought that he just put up with you because he was bored. Whenever you would ask him if you could go to his house he would refuse and walk away. If you asked to go out on a date he would refuse. It has started about two weeks ago and it was quite a sudden attitude change.

"How have you and Aomine been?" Momoi asked, taking a sip of the glass of water she had.

"Um, well to be perfectly honest it's been horrible. He won't go out on a date, he won't let me go to his house and he won't even let me watch him play basketball." You said sadly.

"Well clearly something's wrong because he loves showing off his basketball skills to you." She said and you nodded, agreeing with you. You imagined the way once Aomine started sweating, he would strip off his shorts. You were almost drooling at the thought of the abs that were on him. His body was toned and perfect.

"How do you plan on finding out why he's ignoring you?" You shook your head, bringing yourself back to reality.

"I don't. I trust him enough, maybe he's just going through some stuff."

"Sure. Maybe he's with a girl." You shot up from your seat.

"H-e wouldn't be, he's just needing some time alone obviously." You stutter, trying to convince yourself otherwise.

"I have the perfect plan." Momoi said, smiling to herself.

"What is it?"

"You're going to make Aomine so jealous he has to pay attention to you." You knew this was a bad idea but in the idea Momoi somehow managed to persuade you.

You stood at the gates of the school with a slight frown on your face. You looked down at yourself, trying to pull the extra short skirt down.

"Remember, you have to be flirty, give a wink and wave as well. Also, you'll have to kind of ignore him, if you must speak to him speak with short words." Momoi said, explaining the plan for the sixth time.

"Yes I know, I understand, let's hurry up. We're going to be late at this rate." You whined. Momoi walked down the hall with a wave while you slowly trailed behind. As soon as you stepped through the classroom door, you would have to change your attitude. You took a deep breath and then plucked up the courage to open the door. You walked in, slightly swaying your hips as you walked to the back of the class. You were well aware that the majority of boys in your class were staring at you. The only ones that didn't were the ones with girlfriends or were gay. You smiled to yourself as you saw Aomine walk into the classroom. When he looked at you, his eyes widened and his face turned red as his eyes took in your appearance. Aomine quickly composed himself and almost ran to his seat beside you to sit down.

"You look great." A voice whispered from behind you. You turned around and it wasn't Aomine but a boy that had never given you a second look before today. It was (B/N) He was quite a popular boy with short brown hair and slightly golden eyes to match. He was attractive for sure but, you weren't interested in him like you were with Aomine.

"Thanks." You said with a flirty smile, remembering what Momoi had said previously. You directed your attention to the front as the class started.

It was lunch time and you sighed in annoyance as the fourth boy to confess his love to you just left. All of those boys had never  spoken to you before and yet because you were sort of dressed like a slut, they were interested. You could see that Aomine was getting really annoyed with the amount of attention you were getting from the boys and that fact that you hadn't spoken to him all day. You sat in the school cafeteria and picked at the bento that you had made the morning. The food didn't seem that appetising to you and you blamed it on the fact that you had a large breakfast. A hand placed itself on your shoulder and when you turned your head you saw (B/N).

"Hi (B/N)."

"Hey (F/N)," He was calling you by your first name," Can I sit here please?" You simply nodded and smiled.

"What can I do for you?" You purred, leaning in closer to him, fully away that Aomine stood a few feet away. Aomine was in his PE kit because he had been running laps during the lunch. He had his basketball uniform jacket slung over his shoulder carelessly. You had seen him running before you went for your own lunch.

"I never realised how attractive you were until you walked into the class today. I personally think you could do a much better job of being my girlfriend instead of Aomine's." (B/N) finished with a smirk. You were expecting that. The whole plan as to make Aomine jealous, not get yourself another boyfriend.

"I'm sorry (B/N) but I'm already in a relationship at the moment." You said, trying to convince yourself that you and Aomine were still a couple. (B/N) bent down to your ear and you could feel his breaths on your skin.

"Aren't boyfriend's supposed to spend time with their girlfriends?" (B/N) asked softly. When he pulled back, his lips were centimetres from yours. When he leaned in, you leaned back slightly. (B/N) was suddenly pulled back from you with a strong force. One minute he was in the chair and next he was on the ground with Aomine standing above him with a fist raised.

"If you dare touch my girl again, I won't hesitate to hurt you." Aomine growled, sending shivers down your spine. Your boyfriend turned on his heel and walked out, dragging you alone by your wrist. Once you two were out of sight, he quickly wrapped his jacket around your body and zipped it up. The jacket was very large on you, considering how much taller he was to you. It covered you to the bottom of your skirt and even a bit longer.

"I-I'm sorry Aomine." You stuttered, feeling the tears well up in your eyes. All that was your fauly and you couldn't even deny it.

"Don't cry girl. It upsets me." He said sweetly, embracing you tightly, nuzzling his face into your hair.

"This is my fault. I took Momoi's advice to make you jealous because you were ignoring me and look where it got me." You started bubbling, not even caring about the red and puffy eyes you were going to have. Aomine's large hand started stroking your head and you leaned in like a cat would.

"We both know that she can't give advice for shit. I'm sorry about neglecting you but it was for a good reason." He broke away from the hug and gave you a big smile.

"Oh, really?" Was there really a good reason to neglect your girlfriend, you thought to yourself. Aomine's hand was in his short pocket as he tried to fish something out of it.

"I've been working all the time to save up for this and I've been really tired after that and then basketball practice." He said sadly and you just nodded.

"I can understand that by why didn't you tell me?" You asked and the boy just shrugged as he got down on one knee to fix his sock. He looked up at you and then produced a small blue box and as he opened it, a delicate diamond ring stood out.

"Will you marry me (F/N)?"

Hello my wonderful readers!

Was that any good?

Sorry for any mistakes!

Sorry for OOC! :)



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