Kiyoshi Teppei - Girlfriend

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Picture doesn't belong to me!

It had been a few months since you and your boyfriend, Kiyoshi got out of hospital. Both of you had been put in hospital due to a basketball accident but his was worse than yours. Your beds were next to each other so you two got to know each other but then sadly Kiyoshi got moved into a room on his own. You would still visit him as often as possible because you missed him too much. You and Kiyoshi had actually played together as children so you knew each other but you never took the time to get to know him. It was hard living with an injury so you could understand his need to get back onto the court. You were in because you had strained the muscles in your right leg too much, so much that it was impossible to walk. You were forced to be in a wheelchair for a couple of months to make sure your leg was properly healed. Obviously nobody would be happy about it but the feeling kind of disappeared when you thought that you would be able to see Kiyoshi after your leg healed. Which was what happened.

You walked around the big building that towered over you. You were lost, great. You had wanted to surprise Kiyoshi by going to his school but it was no good if you couldn't even find the entrance.

"Do you need help?" A voice asked from behind you. You jumped about three feet into the air, not noticing the person behind you. You looked the smallish boy that stood in front of you. He couldn't be in high school could he? He looked about ten with his cute baby-ish face. His blue hair matched his eyes that held no emotion. You looked the clothes he was wearing, it was a PE kit. Was he staying afterschool for a club? Basketball maybe?

"Yes please." You said politely, smiling.

"Where are you trying to go?" He asked.

"I'm trying to go to the gym." You said, looking down at your feet.

"Is there a person that you need to see?"

"Yes actually." You said, lifting your head and then nodding and smiling.

"Kagami?"You shook your head,"Riko?" You shook your head again. Who was these people? Maybe people in the gym? Riko was definitely a girl's name. A manager? No use worrying about it, you thought to yourself.

"I'm here to see Kiyoshi Teppei. Did I get the right school?" You asked, worried that maybe it wasn't this school.

"Oh yes, I know him. He's be in the gym with the rest of them. Come on." He beckoned you to follow him.

"I'm sorry I forgot to ask, but what's your name?" You asked, embarrassed that you forgot to ask.

"Kuroko Tetsuya."

"(L/N) (F/N)." You replied. As you got closer to the gym, you smiled, hearing the squeaking of the trainers on the floor. Kuroko walked in and you stood at the door, feeling like you were intruding.

"Kiyoshi-senpai. Somebody is here to see you." Kuroko said, pointing towards the door towards you. Kiyoshi lifted his head up and a huge smile crossed his face. He ran towards you as you walked towards him, making sure not to strain your leg.

"(F/N)!" Kiyoshi yelled,laughing while he picked you up and spun you around. You wrapped your arms around his neck and enjoyed the warmth that the tall boy was emitting.

"I've missed you." You said, pulling away as he put you down.

"I've missed you too. I didn't know you got out of your wheelchair." He said, smiling, before looking at your leg.

"It came off a week ago but I had to rest it a bit more." You explained.

"That's great." He said excitedly. His team were all looking towards you two, eyes wide with curiosity.

"Ugh, I've missed you." You said before grabbing the top of his top and pulling him down. Your lips connected and your hands went to his face to hold him in place. Sure the height difference was a bit awkward but he bent down to make it work. You pulled away, both of you blushing and smiling.

"Is that your girlfriend Kiyoshi?" Riko asked. You hid behind Kiyoshi and he nodded. You weren't normally shy but his entire team were staring at you like you were food.

"Guys, you're scaring her." Kiyoshi said as you gently grabbed the back of his shirt and peeked around his arm.

"Cute." The entire team said, making you blush greatly. Kiyoshi bent down to your ear and what he whispered shocked you.

"Let's go have fun." He said, before straightening up, smirking and then pulling you to the changing room by your hand. He locked the door behind him and when he walked towards you, you knew what was going to happen. You wrapped your arms around his neck and then jumped, wrapping your legs around his waist. Your back was pressed up against the locker in an uncomfortable way but as soon as he kissed you, all the pain was forgotten. It started to get heated and with this, your hands were tangling through his hair. One of his hands was on your back and the other leaning against the locker. You pressed yourself closer to him, if that was even possible, trying to leave as little space between you.

"You...Don't know....How lonely...I was....Without you....You're back now...Though and I'll show you how much I've missed you." He said, in between kisses, breaking apart completely to finish the sentence.

"We're in the changing room. Anybody could come in." You said, panting heavily.

"I locked it, it's fine." He said before kissing your jaw and then along the length of your collarbone. His lips locked onto yours again but his tongue slowly made it's way into your mouth and he explored it as if it was a new land. You both flipped around so that Kiyoshi was pressed against the locker instead of you. This wasn't the Kiyoshi that you remembered! He must of really missed you. You had no complaints to the things that he was going to do to you that night.

Hello my wonderful readers!

Sorry for any mistakes!

Kiyoshi is just a bunny rabbit. He wouldn't hurt a fly :) <3

Sorry for OOC :)

Shameless self promotion: Check out my new Haikyuu fanfic please!


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