Aomine x Reader - Waiting

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Picture doesn't belong to me!

You stood in the waiting room of the hospital, waiting to hear news on your husband-to-be. You had been waiting for about eight hours and the only time you left was to go to the bathroom or to ask the secretary if there was any news. His family had made their way here and then left after they realised that he was ok and there was nothing they could do. You on the other hand didn't want to leave him in case he woke up. According to the police he was walking home from basketball training when he walked across the road and a motorbike hit him. The biker was confirmed to be speeding so Aomine wasn't in the wrong.

A doctor came through with a clipboard and because of the amount of people in the waiting room you didn't expect it to be you that the doctor called but it was.

"(L/N) (F/N)?" The doctor asked and you stood up and walked towards him slowly, scared that bad news was to come.

"Yes that's me." You replied trying not to stutter. The doctor smiled.

"Aomine is ok now. It was quite a hit that he got but luckily he was found quick enough or even the surgery wouldn't of helped. He has a slight concussion but it's nothing to worry about because it's been treated. The good news is that you can go see him now. He's not up yet but he will be in a few hours so you're welcome to call his family and friends and wait with him. He's in Ward 3 Room 24." You smiled and had tears in your eyes as you hugged the doctor.

"Thank you." You whispered and when you pulled away the doctor smiled and left you to gather your thoughts. You slowly walked over to the phone that was available and dialled the number of Akashi.

"Hello Akashi Seijuro speaking." The familiar voice of the man came through the phone. As soon as he spoke you burst into happy tears.

"Aomine is ok. He has a slight concussion but he will be ok. He isn't actually up but I just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to know." A sigh could be heard from the other end.

"Of course I would want to know about Aomine, he's my friend. Would it be easier if I told the rest of them so that they could all come?" He asked.

"Yes please," You sniffled, "I'm going to go now. Please come soon." An ok was heard and then you ended the call. A small smile spread across your face as you walked to the bathroom to splash your face. You were secretly hoping that he would wake up tonight but it would be quite rare.

As you left the bathroom you saw the GoM plus Kagami walk in looking around. You waved them over and you all walked to Aomine's room. You opened the door and you saw your boyfriend attached to a bunch of different machines and breathing mask to help. You rushed over to him and held his hand and to your surprise the heart monitor started to beep faster indicating that his heart was beating faster. A smile cross your face thinking that maybe he would wake up but then the doctors words from before came to mind. He wouldn't be up for a few hours. You sat on the chair that was next to his bed and kept a hold of his hand. A had placed itself on your should and when you looked up and saw Kise with a sympathetic smile on his face.

"He will be ok (L/N)cchi. Aomine is strong, he will pull through and if his strength isn't enough then his love for you will definitely wake him up." You smiled and then stood up, hugging the blond haired boy.

"Do you promise Kise?" You asked, still worrying.

"Of course, would I lie about something like this?"

"I know you wouldn't. I'm just slightly doubtful." Kise nodded.

A few hours later Aomine hadn't even made any sign to wake up at all and when you asked the doctor he said that it was unusual but he might be in a coma. You weren't sure what to do but because you hadn't eaten you decided to do so would be a good decision to make. You walked to the café and looked around but left after you saw nothing that interested you.

About five months later Aomine still hadn't woken up and it didn't look like he was going to so the doctors decided to take him off life support because it wasn't helping. You left to go get a tissue because you knew you would cry. You walked back to the room and your hand flew to your mouth as you saw the empty bed. A cough could be heard from behind and you turned your head to see Kise. You ran over to him and crushed him into a hug.

"They told him off life support when I wasn't here and shipped him off. I'm a horrible girlfriend." You said softly, a few tears falling down your face. Kise stroked your hair and kept you pressed against his body as you tried to take in what had happened.

"It's ok (L/N)cchi. You're not a horrible girlfriend. In fact your a great girlfriend. You stayed with him for 6 months and even when we almost lost him your love brought him back. Not every girlfriend would be able go through this kind of thing." You smiled sadly against Kise's chest. He kissed your head and then looked at something over your shoulder.

"Thank you Kise," You said as you pulled your face away from his chest, "I'm sorry I got your shirt wet." He shook his head as if it was no big deal.

"I would appreciate it if you removed your arms from my girlfriend." Your eyes widened as you recognised the voice. You turned around slowly and saw Aomine standing in a hospital gown yet he still managed to look attractive. You fell to your knees, ignoring the pain as the tears fell from your eyes. Aomine slowly made his way over to you and when he did, he kneeled down in front of you. You did t believe he was real so you placed your hand gently on his cheek and he kind of leaned into it. He placed his hand on your face as well but wiped the tears away with his thumb. A smirk appeared on his face that you fell in love with.

"I'm sorry I've been away for so long babe." He said before leaning in and passionately kissing you for all the months you two had missed.

Hello my wonderful readers!

Thanks for reading.

Hope you enjoyed!

Sorry if it's shorter.

Sorry for any mistakes

Sorry if he's OOC :)

Remember you can always request in the comments or PM me :)


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