The next morning, Bella put on her red flannel shirt and pulled on her black hoodie over it. She put on her jeans and vans. Those shoes were the only president she had gotten in her life. She didn't have time or the money for that much make up. She put on some foundation, some concealer and some mascara. She brushed her teeth and then gabbed her side bag. She got her keys and left for school. As she stared her car, she felt the pain in her wrists. The stung in her side from turning the wrong way and the burning on her thighs from putting her bag on her lap. She adjusted these things and drive to school. As 'Full Moon' by The Black Ghosts came on, she prayed that Michael wouldn't be in any of her new classes. It wasn't that she hated him. She just feared her actions around him and that he would make fun of her for being, well, her. She let out a sigh as she pulled into the school parking lot. She grabbed her things as she got out of her car. She felt the pain, but she didn't care. She did this to herself for a reason. "I deserved it" the said under her breath. She looked at her schedule and headed to her first class. Biology
Michaels POV
"Stop being nervous Michael. Calm down. None of the guys saw you." He told this to himself. If anyone knew what happened yesterday, he would be dead. As he took a deep breath, the other guys drive up. As the others were talking to Michael, he finally was completely calm. As Michael was responding to a question he was asked he looked just past his friends head, and then he saw her. There she was. Just across the road. He told everyone he was going to go and find his classes so he "study" the type of teachers he had. As he walked towards the building, had caught sight of her again and walked straight towards her.Bella's POV
" okaaay, biology" Bella said to herself. She found her class easily because almost no one was in the halls yet. She planned to go to the library after she went to her locker. She took out her text books and notebooks and gathered the ones she needed. After she grabbed a pencil she hung her bag on a hook and shut her locker. As she turned around she ran into someone or what felt like something. "Crap" she sighed as she began to picked up her belongings she had just dropped. As she picked up her book, she saw someone else bend down to help her. "Shit, I'm sorry." She looked up to see who it was and of course, it was him. After she got all her books he handed her the rest of her things, he smiled at her, "I really didn't mean to. I just wanted to say hi". Bella looked at him and began to walk to the library. "Thank you". She said to him as she walked away. "Hey, I really am sorry. I just wanted to talk. Just please don't leave". She momentarily paused witch gave Michael just enough time to get in front of her. Her mistake.