She had brown curly hair with pale skin and was 5'2. She wasn't extraordinary to the average person but if you looked closely, you could see her eyes. They were the prettiest color of brown. They looked more live bronze or gold. But no one took the time to look. Her name was Bella. She was 17 years old. She didn't sound different. Except her story was terrible. Her father abused her and her mother. Three months after her father was arrested, Bella's mother committed suicide. At the age of 13, she went to live with her Uncle who was a drunk. He never abused her but never payed attention to her either. So she always went directly to her room after school and cried. And even worse, she cut. She had scares across her thighs, her wrists, and her sides. Every day she gave herself new ones. But they were never noticed because she always wore a jacket and long pants. Not only that, but she had no one to notice them. She was always picked on at school and had no friends. She had no one. She was alone in this war. The battle wounds were always there. Right on her wrists, thighs and sides. Never to leave.
As spoken before, to most people, Bella was nothing spectacular. But that was to most people. The school Bella went to, constantly had students from other countries arriving. So naturally it was a big school so if you weren't rich, were considered " pretty", famous or had a British/ Australian accent, you weren't popular. One day, a boy from Australia had arrived. He was 5' 7, was 18 years old, and had blazing red hair. To most people he would have been considered "weird" for that but he had an Australian accent so he was automatically considered popular.
Bella had never payed attention to the people around her in school much less to boys. But never had she been a ridiculously clumsy person. But the one day she looked any other way than where she was headed, she had ran into someone. She had dropped her books and was bending down to get them when some jocks began to kick her textbooks around. There was only one set of feet to not torment her. She looked up for a quick moment to see who it was and there he was. Michael, the most popular guy in school was right there, just looking down on her. He wasn't picking on her but he wasn't helping. She managed to look at his eyes in that quick moment and she saw the expression of sadness in his beautiful green eyes. As Bella finally walked to her class, she realized she thought Michael was beautiful. Out of all people, it had to be him.