The next morning, Bella woke up early and went to wrap Michael's presents that were in her room. Once she finished wrapping, she put them under the Christmas tree that was up. Michael must have woken up last night and put it up. She headed to the kitchen to cook breakfast. Michael woke to the smell of bacon and started to run down stairs. He went up behind Bella and wrapped his arms around her. "Ooo. Smells good" he said as he took a piece from the plate with the bacon she had already cooked. "Hey. Wait until it's ready." She insisted. "It is ready" he said as he took another piece. Bella just rolled her eyes as and huffed. "Go watch TV or something." She said. About thirty minutes later, she set the table. Just as she called to Michael, she heard footsteps run down the stairs. "Is it ready?!" "Yes Michael." She says she laughed. When they were done with breakfast as cleaning the dishes, they say down on the couch and watched Christmas movies all day. When it was about six pm, Bella stood up and turned off the TV. "Hey. I was watching that!" Michael said. "So you don't want to do Christmas decorations?" Bella asked. "Oh oh oh. Yeah" Michael said. He sounded like a kid, but she just laughed. She put on some Christmas music and she and Michael just kinda danced around decorating. It was about eight when Bella said, "alright. All the lights are up. All that's left to do it the tree." Michael went and started a fire in the fire place. Bella put some slower Christmas music on. Ig looked really nice on the house. The bright lights were off. Only the lamps, the fireplace and the Christmas lights lit up the living room. It took an hour an a half to decorate the tree, but they both loved every second of it. When the ornaments were up, Bella began to head to the couch when Michael stopped her. "What about the angel?" He asked. "Why can't you do it?" She asked. "Because I think the Angel should only be held by one of her own kind." "Oh my god Michael stop." Bella said as she blushed. "Come on" he urged. "Alright. I am. Just calm down." She teased him. She climbed the ladder and put the Angel on the tree. She got down and they both stood back to look at the tree. "It's beautiful." Bella said amazed. "Nothing compared to you though." Bella blushed and went to the kitchen to pop some popcorn. She sat down on the couch with Michael, leaning against him and watched the only movie they hadn't watched yet. A Christmas Story. After it was over, Michael brought Bella to his bed and realized she still had her jeans on. He thought about waking her up and telling her, but instead he brought her some sweat pants and a hoodie to put on. He gently woke her, and informed her that he had brought some clothes for her to wear and said he would bring her to the bathroom to change. But Bella said it was ok. She stood up and took her pants off. Michael began to walk out to give her privacy, but Bella just got into his bed. She didn't even put pants on. She just kept her big shirt on and went back to bed. He got in bed and asked if she wanted to put pants on but she just groaned that she was tired. So he did what did every night. He wrapped his arms around her waist but he couldn't feel the usual sweat pants. He felt nervous for a moment but then kissed her cheek and whispered "I love you. Always have, always will." He didn't expect her to respond because it was almost eleven but he heard her mumble, "I love you". About an hour later, Michael got up to get everything ready. He wrapped her presents and put them under the tree. He almost ran out of room because he got her a lot of other little things. He went and got the cookies he bought and put them on the table. He spent 3 hours making sure everything was perfect. Tomorrow was going to be the best Christmas ever for Bella. He knew it.
Even though he had stayed up all night, Michael woke up first. He ran down stairs for a final check. He hen ran up to the bed room and began to eagerly shake Bella. "Wake up! Wake up! Santa's been here! All the presents are under the tree! Wake up Bella it's CHRISTMAS!!" He jokingly said. "What are you Michael? Five?" She groaned and rolled over. "No but I'm excited. And if you don't get up, I'm going to drag you out of bed, down the stairs and throw you in the couch." He laughed.