This cycle continued for a week. One day when she got done with her homework, she decided it might be good to go to the Library. She put on her favorite black hoodie that had one of her favorite bands on the front; Fall Out Boy. She pulled the sleeves down and grabbed her keys. "I'm going to the library". She told her uncle, though it wouldn't make a difference. She got in her car and put on Green Day. 'The Forgotten'. She was at the Library in 15 minutes. She put her hood on and went inside the Library. It was always either raining, cold, or both where she lived. She went inside and looked for the section that would have some classics. She grabbed a book by Edgar Allen Poe and headed for the seating area. As she went to the back to sit by herself, she thought she saw in the corner of her eye. She could have sworn she saw this bright blazing red hair, but she doubted it and didn't take a second look back. She sat down, and thought to herself, "think Bella. The most popular guy in school, at the Library? Not a chance". She put her headphones in and clicked a song by James Vincent McMorrow, "Ghosts". She opened her book and began reading. Not long after, did she feel a tap on her shoulder. She gasped and quickly turned around to see who had frightened her. It was him. She honestly couldn't believe that he was there standing before her. "Hi" "I'm Michael". She knew who he was. All too well. She never talked to anyone and she was in such shock, she just kinda look down to her side. Not a word escaped her lips. "I've seen you around school but I have definitely made the wrong impression". Why was he talking to her? And why am I acting like a complete fool? She wondered. She just got up and was able to manage a few words out of her mouth. " I have to go" she almost said under her breath. She just left her book there and stated to head for the door. "Hey, no wait" Michael said as he grabbed her wrist. A look of shock formed on her face, but just as much as fear did. She was extremely thankful her sleeves were down so he didn't see them and so it didn't really hurt that bad. Of course he didn't mean any harm to her, he just wanted to talk to her. He quickly looked at where his hand was grasping her wrist. "Oh, I'm sorry" he said as he let go. He hadn't the slightest clue what was hidden beneath her sleeve. Bella walked just a slightly quick than normal pace to her car. "Hey, just wait a second! I just want to talk to you!" Michael exclaimed as he jogged to get in front of her. She had pulled her hood over her head and was looking down at her shoes as she tried to walk to her car. Michael cut in front of her and attempted to speak to her. " I just want to apologize "...