Bella tried to sit up but the pain shocked her so much she gasped for breath as the shock quickly ran down her body. Suddenly she felt a hand in the back of her head and another on her shoulder. They were leading her to lay back down but Bella didn't hesitate. The pain because less noticeable the more she laid back down. As she took a deep breath in, she began to search for the owner of the hands that were helping her. When Bella looked up, she saw him. The fire haired angel from her dream. He was standing right in front of her. But instead of fear, a slight happiness filled inside of her heart. She knew who this person was. And she knew this one was real. And she couldn't ask for anyone or anything else.
Michael's POV
Usually Michael was a heavy sleeper, but with just the rustling of the blanket, he awoke and rushed over to Bella's side. She attempted to sit up but when she did, the pain hit her like a bullet. And it was obvious. He put one hand behind her head and his other on her shoulder that didn't have a huge bruise on it. As she laid down, she looked up at Michael and for the first time, she didn't look frightened or scared. She didn't smile but she wasn't afraid. She looked at him like she was studying his face. He wished to live in this moment forever. The first thing that she said was "why? Why did you help me?" He expression didn't change and neither did Michael's. Put instead of answering in normal time, it took him a couple seconds to answer. He was distracted by the sound of her voice. She almost said it in a normal voice, and she didn't have pain covering her words. "I couldn't and wouldn't leave you there. Especially with the state you were in" he soothingly answered. "Thank you" she said. "Thank you so much". Michael was almost curious. "Did she find someone helping her a surprise?" But then he remembered her past which gave his question a definite answer. Instead of telling her what happened and take the chance of making the situation depressing for everyone, he told her "I'll be right back. I'm going to get something for you to eat and drink." "Oh no. Please don't. I'm not hungry." She said. But Michael didn't even so much as turn around. He just kept walking like she didn't say a word. He knew how much she had eaten if you would call it eating. He also knew she was lying. Someone like her was going to be starving. And as he was walking away, he heard her sigh in defeat. Which brought a small smirk to his face. He got some blueberries, blackberries and some raspberries and put them in three different bowls. He got to bottles of water and put everything on a tray. After grabbing a fork and a napkin, he brought the tray into the living room. When he set the tray on the coffee table, Bella examined the food on the tray. She suddenly felt the slightest bit of excitement. She loved fruit, berries especially. She used to eat them all the time. But she knew she wouldn't eat them. Though they were considered healthy, she didn't ever eat anything. She considered her self ugly because of her weight. She believed she was way too heavy for someone her age. "So I guess I'm going to be working on my self discipline today" she said to herself. After sighing to herself, she adjusted herself to be slightly upright, but not causing any more pain than she was already trying to ignore. Michael knew what she was thinking. So he turned on the TV and said to her, "I will figure out your least favorite channel and keep it on until you eat." He said with a smirk, but not taking his eyes off the TV. So just to annoy him but still agree to the deal, she grabbed one blueberry and put it in her mouth. Then a single raspberry and finally a single blackberry. She was satisfied with the loophole she had found and for the first time in what felt like a century, a small, but true smile became painted on her face. In the one second Michael took his eyes of the TV, he saw her smile. His straight face remained but inside, he had felt the most joy he had ever felt. And it was enough to last him a lifetime.