Michael's POV
As he helped her into his room, he directed her to his bed. Ge was also extremely glad he cleaned his room. Because Michael's bed was a little taller than a normal bed, Bella would struggle to get on it. But Michael saw this before it happened. So he picked her up, remembering how light she was, and set her on his bed. "Michael..." She said in an almost disappointed way. "You're going to hurt yourself picking me up". "Are you saying I'm weak?" He teased. "No, I'm just too heavy." She answered. "Bella," he said as he looked her directly in the eyes. "I came in here to play guitar. Not to listen to lies. And don't reply to this. I didn't come in here to argue either." He said this in a way that wasn't rude but you could tell it was obvious he meant what he said. He sat down on his stool and picked up his guitar. He put the drumbeat of the song on and began to play. Bella was quite shocked. It was different seeing it compared to only listening. But then he started to sing. That was when she gasped of surprise. He sounded so beautiful. Better than the first time, which she didn't think was possible. As she listened to this angel, she also listened to the lyrics. The meaning of the words was bringing back memories. Not bad ones though, which was a first for her. As she continued to listen, she felt a tear roll down her cheek. Was she crying? In front of Michael?! "Crap. Get yourself together Bella" she thought. When Michael turned away, she wiped the first test and two others, off her face. But Michael saw it out of the corner of his eye. "Bella" he said worriedly. He hurried to take his guitar off and go to her. "Are you crying?" He said, making sure it sounded like he wanted it to and not like he was making fun of her. "No. Don't quit playing. I'm fine." She said trying her hardest to make it sound sincere. But Michael didn't take it, he went to grab a shirt, put it on,and sat next to her. "What's wrong?" He asked. He really did want to know what was causing her to be upset and wanted to know ho to help. "Bella, please." He asked. "I was listening to the lyrics and I understood their mean. And so I started to get all these memories and just..." She stopped. All of a sudden she couldn't fight back the tears. Michael wrapped his arms around her and she rest her head on his shoulder and cried. No drama or loud sobs. She hadn't even really let her feelings out to anyone. Although she was crying, it felt nice. His arms embracing her, comforting her and letting her know he was there for her. Suddenly, Michael felt a light and faint feeling on his chest. He slightly looked down and realized it was her hand. She had gently placed her hand one his chest. Then, instead of just hugging her like he was, he slowly moved his hand up to her face. When he lightly rested his hand on her face, she suddenly looked up at him. "Oh, I'm sorry." She said as she looked down. She expected him to let go of her but he didn't. She looked back up at him. "God. You're so beautiful." He quietly said. He looked like he was trying to concentrate on something. As if he was being distracted while trying to focus. But in reality, it was the easiest thing he'd ever done. Nothing in the world could take his eyes off of the magnificent girl in front of him. "The only thing that he could think was "beautiful". "So beautiful". "She couldn't understand why he thought she was beautiful. She refused to believe it but her eyes were locked to his. Never had she met someone that cared about her like he did. And never had she felt a connection to someone like she did right now. She looked down for one moment. As she did that, she felt something press against her lips. But she didn't hesitate. She closed her eyes as this boy, this angel, kissed her. Emotion built up inside her. A tear fell from her eye. But it wasn't from pain. It was from love, which she now understood the feeling of. Bella knew this. And so did Michael. He slowly pulled away. With the hand that was on her cheek, he used his thumb to wipe away her tear. She responded not with words. But instead she laid her head on his shoulder and put her hands in between Michael and herself. He wrapped his hand around her waist and used the other to lay back down on his bed. With Bella at his side, and her head on his shoulder, she finally looked peaceful. He pulled the blanked over her, wrapped his other hand around her waist, and kissed her forehead. With that, they both drifted into a deep, but peaceful sleep.