"Ok. Ok" "I'm up Michael, I'm up" Bella groaned. Michael picked her up and brought her down stairs. This time, Bella didn't protest because it was still a little too early. "Michael? Can I have some coffee?" She asked. "Of course you can babe." Bella smiled and giggled at the word. After he brought the coffee to her, he went and brought her her first present. "Michael, I haven't even had two sips of coffee yet." She said. "So?" She put her coffee on the table and began to open her present. It was a new pair of black head phones with the Green Day symbol on them. She smiled and said "Michael. Thank you." "That's only the first one!" He laughed. After about an hour of opening presents, she had a cardboard box full of the things Michael had given her. The only thing he hadn't given her yet was the necklace. He was going to give that to her last. "Alright. Your to to open presents. Sit down on the couch." Bella got up to go and get his presents. The first thing he opened was his hoodie. He almost squealed when he saw it. He put it on immediately. After opening the rest of the small things she got him, she handed him one more box. He opened it and saw the gift card. "Oh my god Bella. Thank you!" That's not all she said. He moved the wrapping tissue and did indeed find one last present. His jaw dropped when he saw it. He picked it up and just looked at Bella. She smiled at him and just giggled. He slowly went over to her and hugged her as tight as he could. "Michael. You're going to squeeze me to death" she joked. He let go. "Bella. Oh my god." It was a ticket to see All Time Low live in concert. "But what about you?" He asked. She reached for the ticket and pushed it with her fingers. There was, in fact, two tickets. "OH MY GOD BELLA!! THANK YOU!" He exclaimed. "You're welcome." She giggled. As she got up, he ran over to the tree and pulled out one more box. He took a deep breath and handed it to Bella. She smiled at him and opened it. "Hope you like it" He said as she opened the box. Bella's eyes looked shocked. "Michael. Oh my god. You didn't." "Do you like it?" He asked worriedly. "I love it. It's beautiful." Michael took the necklace and began to reach up to her to put it on. Still in awe, she moved her hair out of the way. "It looks amazing on you Bella." He smiled at her. "You didn't have to do the Michael." "You're right. But I did. And now you opened it. And now you're wearing it." He said. "How much money..." Bella asked but Michael cut her off. But instead of using his finger, he used his lips. "I love you. Always have. Always will." He said. "I love you too Michael. I'll always love you."
That night, Bella and Michael cuddled together outside. They say wrapped in jackets and blankets next to the fire pit outside. They talked for a little bit until suddenly Michael said, "I love you so much Bella. Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" It wasn't officially but they were pretty much already dating. "I would love to." She said. "I love you. Always have. Always will. "I love you too. I have died everyday before I met you. I will always love you." The radio was on Christmas but suddenly a song come that would soon be "their song". As it played, they kissed under the stars, wrapped in each other's arms as close as two people could get. And the song? ' A Thousand Years' written by Christina Perry.Not everyone makes it through their battles, but you are lucky if you do. Because the best things arrive when you feel at your lowest. You just have to wait. These two people couldn't fight their own battles, but they trusted and had faith. Yes there was pain but it turned into something wonderful. This just proves that every life, it worth living.