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I stepped into my old room. I just returned the boys, Hikaru and Koaru, don't know it's me I asked momma not to say a word besides that a girl their age would be staying in the manner. I am unpacking my things from France. I don't talk to often, unless you prove I can trust you. Father and I were to alike, we never liked the rich life, so we got an apartment and lived with no maids or butlers. I learned how to cook, play music, dance, and draw. I finished unpacking and layed on my bed listening to my music. I started to look threw my book of pain. Yes that's what I call it. I put every letter of hate in this scrap book. No one knew I was a Hitachiin except me, daddy, and momma. My triplet brothers don't even recognize me. I mean I dyed my hair, I hide one of my eyes, and I am shorter than them. Oh well.

I picked up my diary and started my day off. I was finished when a knock sounded. ''Yes?'' I asked opening the door looking threw my hair. ''Madam, Miss Hitachiin wishes for you to attend supper.'' said the maid.'' Thanks. Would it cut into your work if I asked directions?'' I asked her. ''No not at all.'' She said and lead me to the dinning room ''Thank you.'' I said sweetly and bowed to the maid then sat with Mom and the triplets. ''So you have been entered into school, you will be in the same class as my boys here, Hikaru Koaru this is our guest you are to treat her with kindness.'' said mamma ''Thank you Miss.'' I smiled at mamma she smiled as well. ''So I was told of the Hitachiin triplets ?'' I asked out. ''No Twins.'' said the boys. My heart hurts now. I looked at the two there weren't affected. ''Well must have been my mistake sorry.'' I said to them. They nodded I looked at mamma. She was sad. I pulled out my hate book in my lap so they couldn't see it and flipped threw it till I suddenly stopped. 'Your useless, you have no one. your family hates you.' I put it away for the first time ever that note hurt.

''Thank you Miss Hitachiin for the meal but please excuse me.'' I smiled she nodded and I stood up. I heard the boys say something telepathically. ''She wyris ugly.'' they both thought at the exact same time. I walked to my room and odyed my hair a bright blue in stead of hot pink. I grabbed my stuffed owl and held it close. I was more like a little girl then a 15 year old. I start 1-A tomorrow and I am slightly scared. I told mamma to inform the principal I wished to wear my clothes instead to be limited. He of coarse let me. I went to bed clutching my owl close for protection.

I woke at the hand of the maid from yesterday I smiled at her and stood up. ''Thank you for waking me, but I can take it from here.'' I smiled she nodded and walked out. I showered brushed my teeth, and brushed my hair. I pulled my really long hair up in pigtails. I tool and let my bangs fall over one of my eyes as usual, and then pulled on a cute little punk and black dress. I held my owl Sammy to my chest and pulled on my high-tops. I picked up my backpack that hung to my side loosely. I walked sto the main hall.

''Finally come on child we have to hurry.'' said Hikaru. ''Sorry.'' I said lightly and followed them to there limo. OWe soon stopped a block way from Ouran. ''Out walk the rest of the way, we don't want people to see you get out of our limo.'' said Hikaru I didn't argue I slipped out and they drove off. I sighed and walked the rest of the way there with headphones in. I walked to my locker and put away what I didn't need. I closed the locker and turned around holding my owl I always had it except at the table to eat, that's rude. I believed Sammy brought me luck. A boy bumped into me and I fell to the ground and dropped Sammy. I grabbed him in a hurry and stood up. I got my bag. I looked up to see the boy was actually a girl. ''Sorry I am so sorry I didn't mean to are you okay?''asked the girl. I smiled. ''Yeah.'' I said in my shy voice. She smiled. ''What class are you in you look new.'' She said I looked at her. ''1-A'' I said shyly. ''Awesome me to you just made a new friend.'' She smiled as did I. She walked with me to class. She stayed with me all day. ''SO I was hoping you join me in my club, I am the only girl there, and it gets hard. you just can't tell anyone i'm a girl.'' She siad I nodded.

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