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I walked into school, my favorite place ever since I met Alex. She is so sweet to me, and you know she doesn't put up with guys being idiots. I stick with her a lot of the time. Since I came back from moving to my dad's I am in a different light of everyone, I am the triplet of the Hittichan twins, I am useless. I would get a new letter in my locker each day. I had to start a new book, then another. So I am on Book of Hurt 3.

I walked into class and since my father moved back to Japan I haven't been living with the boys and I barely see them anymore. I have changed a lot since I last saw them, I dyed my hair, I took off all my fake piercings, I even started to dress like a normal girl. I find in the shadows and it's my first day back since I left the boys. I am about to walk into class. I knocked and walked in. the teacher looked at me. ''You have the wrong room.'' He said. ''No sir.'' I said politely. ''Well then class new girl, new girl class.''

I sighed and sat down. ''Hi, I'm Hikaru Hittichan nice to meet you.'' He said. I smiled politely. ''You too.'' I lightly said then put my head down and worked to push the hours by.

The day was finally over and I was the last student in the hall, I was getting packed mumbling to myself. I was then bumped. ''Oh No.'' I said as my crap flew everywhere. ''Sorry.'' said a deep gentle voice. ''Mori, it's okay.'' I smiled lightly at the floor scared to look up and him not know who I am.

''Cole! Cole!'' shouted Alex. I gathered my stuff and she pulled me off. I don't see where till it was to late to run. She pulled me straight into the Host Club Room. ''Look told you I could get her to come.'' said Alex to Tamaki. ''Hello, We are the Hosts, and we wanted to meet you.'' said Tamaki. ''I already know you idiots. Anyway, I'm tired. Alex Lets sleep.'' I said lightly. She put me on the couch and I dozed off immediately.

I woke up I saw a little sleeping boy. In the background I heard Alex freaking out about what happens when I wake up. I usually scream and rip up stuff. The boy woke up from the commotion. I motioned for him to be quiet and we listened while cuddling. I guess someone didn't like that because the next thing I know it's freezing. I squeal and run to Alex for warmth.

''What is it Cole?'' asked Alex. ''It's cold.'' I said She nodded and we went on our way.

I know it's short, but I like it.

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